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Before you start tapping away, this is my first FF story and I'm scared. Terribly. I hope the bio interested you enough to tap "Read" and now you're reading this boring announcement. Let's just get to the announcement.
I'm a pathetic writer. Don't expect some high-level Eric Walters from me or anything. I'm just a huge fan of the twins and wanted to show that in my artistic form of literature.
ALSO: I know you all want to read Dolan Twin FF for the Dolan Twins, but that's not EXACTLY how mines going to work. Yes, they'll be a huge part in it, but not for the beginning. The beginning is an introduction, and I don't want to race into things with an immediate DATE AND EVERYTHING WOO.
That's not how I write. You're going to be introduced to the main character, Jenna Sterne, who this story is written from the perspective of. Wow, that sure made sense. You will first read how she ended up meeting them, blah blah, don't want to spoil it for you. If you want instant Dolan Twins, watch their videos, don't read my FF.
(P.S. technology sucks sometimes so I'm writing on my phone so ugh smh)

Giddy ~ G.D.

Oh no I spoiled who the book is based off on. ok bye.

Giddy ~ GDWhere stories live. Discover now