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Cries rang through the valley, the rain strived to dull them but their anguish would not be silenced. Chaos unleashed upon a fallen kingdom. The king and queen had been poisoned. The venom that had killed them seemed to have spread through their people, awakening a wave of brutality that had neighbors slaughtering each other in the name of flags born from the ashes of misery and betrayal.

The moon was red that night, angered by the savagery beneath her. Her children spilling each other's blood for no good reason. The wolf she'd gifted them turned into a cruel beast that left nothing but carnage in its path. But those who had turned their claws against their brothers would pay a price they would only discover once it was too late to repent.

The Lykos bloodline was kissed by death that night. After centuries of fighting for survival, the lycans were at the edge of extinction, massacred by an enemy that had masqueraded as an ally, a new breed of wolves with no code and no honor. But their treachery would not be forgotten, it would always live in the heart of the lycan child that survived that red dawn.

As the battle raged in the valley a servant girl hiked through the mountains of the east, desperately trying to escape the bloodbath. She feared not for herself but for the child she carried in her arms, a sobbing girl who'd witness the murder of her kin. She was the only hope left. Selene was the last royal lycan. She had to survive.

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