Chapter Ten || Beasts

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The winter sun struggled against heavy black clouds in the horizon while a strong wind blew through the city foretelling the fall of snow. The cold did nothing to deter the crowds that yearned for a peak at the coming spectacle, the news of the duels had traveled fast and all of Arcadia was eager to know who would be the victor and winner of the kingdom's biggest prize.

Selene walked flanked by guards towards the fields that had been hastily transformed into tournament grounds. The snow that had covered the terrain had been replaced by a thick layer of sawdust, tents in the gold and black colors of the Hadrianen crest stood opposite a small spectators' box that had been built for the guests of honor and a barricade of soldiers formed an unmovable wall that kept the crowds at bay. Selene felt like she'd been dropped into a tale from a history book.

She was grateful for the long navy blue veil she'd been made to wear. She was a lot more anxious that she cared to admit and she didn't want the crowds that cheered as she passed to see even an ounce of hesitation in her. She hadn't just gambled with her future, she'd risked the people of her kingdom and she had to appear sure of her choice no matter what the outcome may be.

Selene was the last to arrive, a trophy to be paraded and admired by the onlookers and bait for those who wanted to win her. It was never more obvious that all they saw when they looked at her was a title, a name that could bring prestige and a steppingstone towards power and dominance. She had always known that they all regarded her as little more than an object, but she'd never felt it as keenly. It made her wonder if that was what destiny had in store for her, a lifetime of passing from owner to owner, reduced to another one of the crown jewels.

On the spectators' box, a sour-faced Gabriel waited for her along with the families of the competitors. There were six challengers and they stepped forward the moment she took her place by Hadrianen's side, Selene had expected to see some sign of nervousness or even fear among them but they all stood proudly with their heads held high and determination in their eyes. They were ready and there would be no easy fights.

"Esteemed and honorable guests, we are here today to bear witness to the duels that will determine which of this men is worthy of claiming our Royal Highness Princess Selene," General Ferro spoke up. He had taken control of the event from the moment it was agreed upon and the gleeful look on his face made it clear that he was enjoying it. "Tradition states that no armor or weapons are allowed, you must fight man to man and beast to beast," he declared before turning to the challengers, "If you agree to continue your pursuit seal your commitment with a token," he said and handed them a velvet sack.

Each of the men dropped a small object into the pouch without hesitation. Selene couldn't fully make out what each of the tokens was, but she had a feeling that she would be finding out soon. She'd tried to figure how the ceremony was supposed to work, but her access to the library had been restricted and her only other source of information was the very unreliable murmurs of the servants. Gabriel was angry with her and had confined her to her room since the night of the feast. Selene knew that Hadrianen had graver consequences in mind but he hadn't acted on them because he couldn't risk a misstep with so many eyes watching.

"The duels will be determined by your tokens, each time it is drawn you are expected to fight and if you lose a duel your token will be withdrawn," Ferro explained before taking the velvet pouch and walking over to Selene. "Your royal highness, will you do us the honor of drawing the first duel?"

Selene reached inside the bag and grabbed the first object her fingers touched, it was smooth and round, and when she withdrew it she realized it was glass marble. She held it up for everyone to see and the crowd erupted into excited murmurs.

"Count Corvin, I believe this is your token," Ferro said and the Count stepped forward, puffing his chest. He was the eldest of the competitors, a bitter man that had made a fortune during the uprising by charging for shelter and protection.

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