Chapter Five || Warning

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The echo of footsteps rang through the empty hallways of the Queen's Apartments. Night had fallen, and with it, silence and tranquility. It was a rare night in Lycaon Castle, free of the constant hustle and bustle of the never ending balls, dinners and feasts. Selene relished the calm, but she suspected it was a peace that heralded a storm.

The past weeks had been a challenge for her. She'd been required to spent most of her time in the company of Etienne Valois. And while he wasn't an all-around terrible man, she hadn't warmed up to him. They didn't have much in common and Selene resented the fact that he was a willing participant in Hadrianen's ploy. It irritated her to no end how he acted as if their courtship was perfectly innocent when he knew she was being coerced into playing along. But she supposed it could have been worst, Prince Stephane could've taken his nephew's place.

The bright side of the change in routine was that she was no longer guarded as closely. Selene wasn't sure if it was because Hadrianen trusted Etienne to keep an eye on her, or because he didn't want to give the visiting nobles the wrong impression. Whatever the case, the loosening of her metaphorical bonds had helped her move forward with her escape plans. She'd been exploring the castle and taking note of the movements of the staff and guard. It wouldn't be easy but she knew she had to try.

The plan was to exit the castle through the servant's quarters, the same way she'd escaped all those years before, and then make her way south, towards human territory. It was a risk, but she couldn't go back to the Silver Moon Temple, it'd be the first place they'd look for her, and Hadrianen wouldn't dare trespass human territory. The races had lived in peace for centuries, but the annihilation of the Lycans had made humans wary and a wrong move could mean war.

Selene was so deep into her thoughts of freedom that she didn't notice anything amiss when she entered her bedroom. It wasn't until one of the candles that lit the room blew out that she noticed the figure sitting by the window on the settee. Her first reaction was to scream for her guards, but then she remembered they hadn't followed her back to her chambers. The next option were her maids, but she hadn't seen them when she came in.

"Do not panic little princess," the man said. His words were meant to be reassuring but they sounded mocking.

"Who are you?" she asked as she moved towards the door, ready to run if necessary.

"You do not remember me? I'm hurt!"

She took a good look at him. He was a big man, with raven black hair, dark skin, and a handsome face. But what made her remember him were the insignias on his black uniform jacket, a crescent moon and a cluster of five stars. He was a general in Arcadia's army, the youngest one in its history. "General Ferro?"

"You do remember me then."

"What are you doing here, sir?" His presence was completely unexpected. She'd seen the man a few times during some of the castle's functions but they'd only spoken once when she was introduced to all the high ranking members of the military.

"I apologize for the unorthodox visit, but I have to speak to you," he said without the playful tone he'd been using.

"You could have requested an audience. You should not be in my rooms, sir." Selene desperately wanted him to leave. She had no clue of what he wanted of her and she was vulnerable, he could kill her right then and there and no one would know it'd been him.

"I highly doubt Duke Hadrianen would allow me to speak to his little caged-bird."

Selene wanted to protest but he was right. Everyone in Arcadia knew she held no real power, but no one had been bold enough to say it to her face. It seemed that General Ferro couldn't be bothered with the fake niceties all the nobles threw her way. She respected that about him.

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