Chapter Fifteen || Colorless

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The wind was strong, it blew with a force Selene had never experienced, as if it was determined to push its way into her very bones. It chilled her to the core. Everything around them was frozen, the ground was covered in ice, the small buildings around the docks were white with snow and the few threes that lined the path were filled with icicles. They had arrived at Ulverg and Selene felt like she'd stepped into a completely different world, one devoid of color and warmth.

The scenery was not the only thing that had changed. Her companions were acting strangely. The tense shoulders and serious frowns were mostly gone, replaced by little smiles and playful shoves. It was so strikingly different from what she'd come to expect from them that it almost frightened her. Even Kaspian, who'd been extremely vigilant during their sea travels, was yawning and wearing his long hair untied.

The extreme changes were giving Selene a headache, one that she didn't need. She'd spent most of her time aboard the ship feeling sick, and the ocean waves hadn't been the culprits. The words that had been whispered in her ear before boarding had echoed in her head over and over, turning her stomach every time she recalled the soft voice that had spoken them. Kaspian had asked about it, but she'd swallowed her fear and lied, saying the exchange had only been an apology.

Despite the complete terror she felt whenever she gave the implications of the encounter a little thought, she couldn't bring herself to regret lying to the Alpha. The woman who intercepted her had to have been a lycan, there was no doubt about that, and the last thing she wanted was to see another one of her kind hunted down. Besides, she suspected the words were nothing more than the delusions of a wishful lycan stuck in the past, Selene was sure it couldn't mean anything else.

"I want to shift," Erik, who was walking up ahead, said as he stretched his back.

"Not yet," Kaspian told him. "Soon."

"Are we staying the night?" Anja asked, her words fogging as she spoke. Even though the sun was beginning to set it was still just early afternoon, their journey from Suzaku had taken just a little over a day.

"I rather not, but we can if you are too tired to keep going," Kaspian said, but everyone could tell that he was the one who needed the rest. The others had slept on the ship but the Alpha had refused to drop his guard.

"I want to get home," Freya said quietly. She was walking next to Selene and the princess could feel her tensing up again. "I'm sorry, but we have been away for too long."

"I know," Kaspian said. He stopped walking and pulled Freya into a brief embrace. "We'll be home soon. I'll try to send a message, have Ragnar meet us on the Mountain Pass."

"Thank you, Kas."

They kept on walking, following the lonely stone path towards the central part of the city. Selene was grateful when they reached a more populated area, the buildings were taller there and they blocked the strong winds better, and some passer-byes carried with them lanterns and torches that warmed up the air. She was wearing her winter cloak, a garment made of wool and lined with rabbit's fur, but it wasn't enough protection from the cold. The winters in the south were nothing compared to this.

"Anja, I want you to manage the business with Konstantine," Kaspian said, and gave her sister a bag of gold. "Take Erik and Freya with you. "

"And where are you going?" the redhead asked, not very pleased.

"I have other matters to take care of," he said. "Your Highness," he added and offered Selene his arm.

Anja narrowed her eyes and sighed but didn't say anything. She just started heading towards a house at the end of the street, her heavy footsteps leaving a trace in the snow that Freya and Erik followed at a more sedate pace.

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