Chapter Three || Caged Bird

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The reflexion on the mirror was a stranger. Looking back at her was the woman she'd been meant to be, Princess Selene Lykos, a dainty and elegant girl that had grown up in a castle with little to no worries. It was almost funny how a change of clothes could alter perception in such a drastic way, but then again, clothes weren't the only thing that was changing.

She'd had no choice but to accept Duke Hadrianen's proposal. He'd been delighted with his victory but it was clear that he would not have accepted another outcome. He'd even been bold enough to bring her one of the tiaras from the Crown Jewels.

The tiara was a beautiful example of perfect craftsmanship, it was made of bright sapphires and diamonds that created little flowers over silver leafs that seemed almost alive. She'd loved that tiara as a child. It was one of her aunt's favorites, but she'd promised her she'd let her wear it when she became old enough. But now, it felt wrong to have it resting on her head, it made her feel like an impostor. How could she ever hope to fill the shoes of such a wonderful Queen? Of a woman that had died fighting to defend her children?

Selene was just an orphan who couldn't even look after herself.

A knock on her door put an end to her musings. It was time.

"Come in."

Sister Penelope stepped inside the room. She smiled at Selene but her eyes spoke of the sadness she was carrying. The priestess had been Selene's constant companion and teacher, the bond between them was strong and loving, and their upcoming separation was a hard to bare sorrow.

"My little Sophie, you are no longer the little girl that hid in the closets and had long conversations with the roses. You're a woman now. A princess, not just in name."

"I wish I could go back to being that girl. I wish I could stay." In a way, she still felt like that child, scared of the world and in search of safe haven.

"I know it's hard, but Mother Helena is right. You are meant for bigger things than what the life of a priestess can offer you," she said with a reassuring tone that didn't manage to make Selene feel better.

"I don't understand why everyone is so sure I have a bigger destiny waiting for me out there. " It made no sense to her. She was a royal but she was never meant to be a ruler, she'd been fifth in the line of succession when the uprising happened and if her family had lived she would have never gotten close to the throne.

"Because you survived. The moon protected you for a reason," the priestess said with conviction before taking Selene's hands in hers and squeezing them tightly. "The trials ahead won't be easy, but you will find your way through. I'm sure of it."

"I'm scared. I don't trust Duke Hadrianen and I fear what he might do when he no longer finds me useful." The uncertainty was the hardest part for Selene. It was clear that Hadrianen's decision to take her to Arcadia wasn't born from some sudden devotion to the royal family, he had other motives. Selene's best guess was that he needed her to play a part in one of his schemes, but what would happen if she refused to play along?

"You are clever and you have learned many things during your time here. You just have to understand the game he is playing and get better at it than him. Observe everything and don't trust anyone. They will underestimate you, and you have to take advantage of that." Sister Penelope's advice was sound but it didn't manage to drown all of Selene's doubts.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me. I hope we will meet again," The Princess said with wholehearted sincerity. A part of her was still holding out hope that Hadrianen would regret his decision and she would be returned to the temple.

"The moon has bestowed her blessing upon you, child. Even if our paths don't cross again, I'll know that she is looking after you."

The two women embraced in a strong hug filled with the familiarity and caring they had cultivated over the years. Selene had to hold back the tears that threaten to run down her cheeks. She desperately wanted to indulge in that moment of vulnerability and sadness but she was afraid that if she started to cry she would never be able to stop.

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