Chapter Seven || Arrivals

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Lycaon Castle was under a spell. The Blue Moon was just a few days away and the pull of the moon had grown stronger, captivating every wolf and bringing a cloud of excitement that settled over the city. It was a joyous time, the Blue Moon was an omen of good fortune and those who worshiped the Goddess knew it would bring miracles and gifts to all the fateful. Selene desperately wanted to believe that her prayers would finally be answered but she was no longer the devoted child that had left the sanctuary, she couldn't let herself get caught in the happiness of the festivities, there was too much at stake.

Along with the numerous visitors, winter had arrived and Arcadia was covered in a layer of snow that shined with the midday sun, enhancing the city's beauty more than any of the decorations for the festival ever could. Selene admired the kingdom of her forefathers from the royal balcony with a pang of sadness in her heart, not for the first time, she wished for peace and harmony, for the destiny that by rights should've been hers. In those moments of melancholy, she couldn't help considering the possibility of just giving up, of living her life like they wanted and hoping for the best, but the stronger side of her nature rebelled at the thought. A life in a cage was not worth living.

"Lord and Lady Hawthorne have arrived, ma'am," Livia said. She was standing next to Selene, as she'd been given the task of informing the princess who everyone invited to the castle was, and where they came from.

"Hawthorne?" Selene had seen that name written on history books and she was sure Livia had to be mistaken.

"Yes, Lord Arthur Hawthorne and his wife Lady Mary Hawthorne, ma'am" Livia responded, clearly annoyed by Selene's question.

The princess just nodded, inadvertently Livia had given her more information than just the couple's name. She'd called her his wife, not his mate or his bonded, and that could only mean that their guests were human. It was unheard of, humans and Lycans always kept their distance and to Selene's knowledge, no human had ever stepped foot in Lycaon Castle.

Their presence could only mean that Hadrianen was preparing for war, rallying his allies around him and showing them off, like a peacock trying to scare off a challenger. And she had a feeling the show was also for her benefit, a way to deter any ideas she might have about siding with the enemy.

It made her angry, but giving into her wild side and going on a rampage was not going to solve anything. Instead, she smiled and waved at the new arrivals while pretending to be completely unconcerned. It was becoming harder and harder not to show how much she hated all that was happening.

She spent the rest of the morning looking over the kingdom and greeting their guests from foreign lands. After awhile, it became easier to disconnect, to let her mind wander into made up scenarios where her smile wasn't fake and happiness was a possibility. Selene had come to realize that more than revenge or power that was what she wanted, a life with happiness where fear was not a constant companion.

After her royal duty was done and all the important guests had arrived she was taken back to her rooms. Livia was buzzing with excitement about the welcoming party they would be holding that evening, but Selene just wanted a moment of peace. She had no interest in picking gowns and jewels, Selene just wanted some time alone to pray and clear her head.

"Duke Hadrianen made it clear that you have to wear a blue dress but we have several options to choose from, ma'am" Livia babbled on and Selene just let her. She'd learned that it was better to just let the other girl finish, otherwise she was likely to repeat herself over and over. "The royal seamstress made the gowns especially for the festival."

"I'm sure we'll find something suitable," Selene said. "But for now, could you allow me a few moments to pray?"

"We are pressed for time, ma'am," she responded but her words weren't as hard as they'd been in the beginning, over the months Livia's frozen demeanor had started to melt, and while she was still firmly on Hadrianen's payroll, her attitude towards Selene had become less hostile. "But you can have a few minutes to yourself while I ready your bath."

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