Chapter Twenty-Four || Breaking

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The stone told a story, it was written in the cracks and broken pieces. It was the tale of time passed and forgotten memories. Selene ran her left hand over the broken balustrade, looking for clues. She wanted to be the one who deciphered these remnants of history.

She looked down at the open book she was balancing in her right forearm. The pages were filled with descriptions of great palaces. Chronicles from a time of great glory. She tried to picture the staircase when it was first built, the birds carved into the balustrade filling the surface with their widespread wings and the wind drawn on the edges of the steps. Could this ruined castle be the one the book spoke of?

Selene tried to imagine it but her mind failed to envision it. It was hard to concentrate. The light of day had vanished and the moon was raising. The full moon.

The pull was strong. There was something almost magical about the way the moonlight filled her with energy. After last time, she thought she would be ready, but this felt different, stronger and wilder. It reminded her of the fist time she'd shifted. It was the same kind of barely contained strength.

She closed the book and sat on the steps. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. The air smelled of pine and day-old snow. Her surroundings were silent, she was the only one interested in the old ruins on the north side of the castle. The moment was so peaceful that she considered giving in to the pull and shifting. It seemed like the perfect time and place. But the idea was followed by doubt and a shiver of fear.

She opened her eyes and looked up at the moon hoping for a sign. Nothing happened.

With a heavy sigh, she picked up her book and began the walk back. She had gone on her little excursion with the full intention of avoiding the rest of the pack. She knew what was expected of her. They wanted her to join their hunt. None of the betas had outright asked if she would be with them during the festivities, but there was expectation in the subtle looks they gave her and the little comments they made here and there.

Selene understood why they were acting that way. Things had changed since the last full moon. She wasn't the princess locked away in the depths of the castle anymore, she was becoming a part of the pack. It wasn't completely irrational for them to assume that she would make an effort to adopt their full moon traditions. And she wanted to, she just couldn't.

"I have been looking for you," Kaspian's voice resonated in the empty hallway just outside her room. Selene hadn't heard him approach.

She had been hoping not to run into anyone. It was still early for the pack to leave for the hunt but she had assumed they would be too busy with preparations to pay her any mind. She should've known better. Kaspian was trying to be patient with her, but she knew he didn't trust her control. His little visit was to be expected.

"What can I do for you?" she said trying her best not to sound as irritated as she felt.

"Don't be angry with me," he said as he walked closer to her. "I promised I wouldn't pressure you and I intend to keep my word..."

"But?" she interrupted.

"But I want to make myself available to you, in case you need my help," he said, muttering his words in a way that betrayed his nervousness. "I am trying to say that I will be in the castle tonight if you decide you want my help or my company."

The fact that he was trying so hard not to upset her, choosing his words carefully and attempting to be friendly, made her put aside her frustration. If he was making an effort so could she.

"I appreciate your concern, I truly do," she said. "But I will be fine."

Even if she wanted his help she had no idea what to ask for or what it would entail. The unknown was what frightened her the most.

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