Chapter Twenty-Two || Worth

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He had scars on his back. Thin lines that covered almost every patch of skin. They were so many that from a far it was impossible to distinguish them. Selene couldn't believe she hadn't noticed them before. For a moment, she almost forgot where she was, a sudden need to walk up to him and comfort him overwhelmed her. But she stayed in place, half-hiding behind a pillar and watching.

It had become a habit, watching Erik and the young wolves train. If someone asked her why she did it, Selene wouldn't be able to give an answer. There was something almost soothing about it. The shifts and the growls were raw and primal. They spoke a language that she didn't understand but was eager to decipher.

"You have not stopped watching him," Anja said, coming from behind Selene.

The princess had noticed her walking around the courtyard, circling like a vulture. She'd offered a few instructions and exchanged a few words with the wolves, but her true propose was obvious. She was there to keep an eye on Selene.

"Who are you referring to, Miss Fenrirsen?" Selene said. Acting oblivious was a sure way to annoy the redhead and Selene had no intentions of playing nice. The way Anja scrutinized her every move irritated her to no end.

"Erik," she hissed. "What do you want with him?"

Selene turned to face her. "I just like looking at him." She batted her eyelashes.

It wasn't Erik that she was interested in. It was the way he shifted and how at ease he was in his wolfskin. Etienne had once described Kaspian's army as a highly skilled one. She now knew why they'd gained that reputation. Their control over their bodies was incredible.

Anja let out a low warning growl, but Selene ignored her. She fixed her gaze on the courtyard and the training.

"Kaspian is back," Anja said after a few minutes of silence.

Selene was barely able to suppress the urge to turn her attention back to Anja and demand answers. She knew the redhead wanted to surprise her and she would not give her the satisfaction of knowing she'd succeeded.

"That is good news," Selene said. "I was beginning to think he'd gotten lost in the mountains."

"He would never get lost," she said, affronted.

Selene turned to look at her and sighed. "Did you want something else?"

Anja huffed and walked away with a brisk pace that made her red hair fly wildly. Selene shook her head and took a moment to process the news.

She could go look for Kaspian. She was curious about why he'd gone to Ulvberg and there were a few matters that she needed to discuss with him. It wasn't urgent business, so she figured it could wait until supper. He had been gone for over a week, surely there were other members of the pack that required his attention more than her.

A big heavy cloud began encroaching the sky. The frail sun rays started waining and the temperature dropped. Selene pulled her furs closer to her body. She was determined to watch the training for a little longer but the wind gained a strength that shattered that resolve. A snowstorm was coming and it would be foolish to wait for it outside.

Selene headed back inside, towards Freya's rooms. The healer had probably heard of Kaspian's return and would be able to tell her more.

When she arrived she pushed the doors open without pause. Stopping by Freya's little workroom every morning had become part of her new routine and the healer knew to expect her. Selene had stopped knocking after the first couple of days. However, this time when she walked in she didn't find Freya grinding herbs or making notes in one of the many lists she kept around the room. That morning Selene was welcomed by the view of a shirtless Kaspian sitting on a stool right in the middle of the room.

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