Chapter Eighteen || Northern Moon

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The air had a very particular smell, it was unlike anything Selene had encountered before, a mixture of the wildness of the trees that surrounded the castle, the moss that covered the ruins and the scent of stale air that had remained undisturbed for too long. In a strange way, it was comforting. She had finally found her place among the rubble.

She'd discovered the old structure by accident. She'd grown bored of the little courtyard that she visited every morning and began walking further out, towards the back of the castle where the walls were older and solitude was a guarantee. One day, she'd come across a half-rotten wooden door with delicate engravings on it and gone inside where she found a dark corridor that led to a narrow hall. It was a curious place, constructed around seven tall arches and stained glass that covered the space between them, half of the colorful glass was broken and the floors were wet and covered in moss and wild shrubs, but it was still beautiful. It'd taken her a moment to take in the view, but she soon understood that she hadn't found yet another ruin, she'd come upon a sacred sanctuary, a temple.

After that morning, she began visiting the old temple every day. She couldn't help thinking that it was a sign from the goddess, a promise that she'd not been abandoned. That knowledge brought her comfort and every time she stepped into the hall she felt a quiet peace that drowned the rest of the world around her.

The full moon was coming and Selene had started to feel its effect. Her lycan side was regaining its strength, and while she felt relieved when that wild nature thrived under her skin she was still afraid of letting that part of herself out. Whenever she thought about it, she pictured her blood covered hands and Hadrianen's body lying lifeless on the floor.

Prayer had always been the answer when it came to her lycan heritage. She'd been taught to control that side of her nature through chants, hymns, and rituals; and she found herself repeating them inside the comforts of her new sanctuary. It not only helped to keep the beast at bay, but it also brought back memories from her days in the temple, happier times when her only worries were her lectures and her chores.

"You should not be here. It's not safe, your highness." The voice echoed in the empty hall and startled Selene. She'd been in the middle of a prayer and hadn't heard any approaching steps.

She turned to look at the newcomer, it was Kaspian, standing by the entrance to the hall with his arms crossed.

Selene stood from where she'd been kneeling and walked towards him. "I do not feel unsafe here, my lord," she told him.

"The walls of this castle look strong, but they can be deceiving," he said.

Selene nodded. She understood his concern but she was fairly certain that the temple wasn't about to come crashing down on them. Places like this were blessed and they were meant to last. "I'm willing to take the risk."

"If you need a place to pray I can find you somewhere safer and warmer."

She appreciated his offer but it was an unnecessary one. She would be fine where she was, the trouble would be making him see that. They weren't exactly good and seeing each other's point of view.

Selene had starting adapting to Vargstad. She was becoming more resistant to the cold and had begun venturing outside of her room more often. She had dinner with the wolves every day and listened to their talk in hopes of learning more about them. However, the tension with Kaspian had not abided. She'd tried being less cutting with him and attempted being less formal whenever they talked but it hadn't done much good.

"It may not look like it, but we are standing in a temple of the goddess," she said.

He frowned but tore his eyes away from her and inspected the hall with his gaze. "Temples are circular with a skylight on the top part." He pointed towards the roof where the arches met in a point that formed a triangle.

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