Chapter One || Moon Daughters

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The rain was an omen. Big heavy clouds had turned dark and menacing, chasing away the peaceful afternoon the temple had been enjoying. The last days of summer were surrendering to the bite of autumn with little protest. The flowers in the courtyard began to tremble with the strong winds and, soon after, drops of water started clashing against the marble floors creating a chaotic symphony. Selene felt chills down her spine as the raindrops touched her skin. She looked up at the sky and just knew that whatever calm they'd been enjoying would soon be gone.

An afternoon spent gardening had left her hands and dress covered in dirt but she paid it no mind as she ran inside the temple house. As usual, the white halls were quiet and empty and she did her best to make as little noise as possible with her footsteps. It would not do to alarm everybody. It was just a bad feeling, but she couldn't keep it to herself, not after last time.

Selene paused for a moment when she reached the library, its doors were very tall and ornate and they had always made her stop in her tracks. They were one of the many relics scattered around the house, crafted carefully by the devoted priestesses that had lived among those walls centuries before. She took a deep breath before pushing them open. The deep cracking sound that followed commanded attention and soon Selene had every eye in the room upon her.

"I'm very sorry to bother you," she said, it was unorthodox to interrupt the priestesses study sessions and Selene was well aware of that. "But I need to speak to sister Penelope, urgently."

Selene had half expected to be scolded but there must have been something in her voice that alerted the other women. After just a moment, a short middle-aged female stood up from the big round table and made her way calmly towards Selene. She took her by the arm and lead her through the silent hallways towards a small room.

"What is it child?" she asked once the door had closed behind them.

Selene knew she could trust sister Penelope, she'd taken care of her since she'd arrived at the sanctuary thirteen years prior, but she was having a hard time finding the words to explain. The temple was a place of knowledge where rationality triumphed over instinct.

"I have a dreadful feeling sister," she began, attempting to put into words that asphyxiating sensation that took hold of her the moment she felt the drops of rain on her skin. It felt like a warning that put her whole body on edge. Her animal side torn between fleeing or getting ready for a fight. "I think something is going to happen. The lycan in me is agitated as if waiting for an enemy to strike... I felt this way the last time they came."

"Are you certain?"

Selene could feel the deep analyzing gaze of the priestess. She was looking for any sign of doubt or deceit, but she would find none. Selene had never been prone to lying and keeping her instincts on lock down had always proved troublesome for the young lycan.

"I am, sister," she said with conviction. "I fear they might come again."

"Very well," the older woman said with a resigned tone. "I'll speak to mother Helena. Meanwhile, go out to the fields and make sure the novices come inside the house," she instructed with calm as if she was distributing the morning chores instead of preparing for a possible siege on the sanctuary.

"Yes, sister," Selene nodded and started to make her way out.

"Strength, Sophie," sister Penelope added before Selene was out of the room. The use of the childhood name gave the girl a sense of reassurance that she had not realized she needed. Even though she wasn't a child anymore Selene was still young and the troubles that had begun to plague her were not an easy burden to carry.

With a quick step, Selene headed towards the fields. The novices had spent all day tending to the crops, taking advantage of the last days of summer to plant the last of the fall harvest. Selene hated having to interrupt their task. If winter caught them with little supply more than one mouth would have to go hungry. But safety came first, and Selene couldn't even imagine the guilt she would feel if any of the sisters got hurt because of her.

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