4: Jack and lisa to the rescue?

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Jacks P.O.V

"Hey, we'll find her Jack, don't worry, the kids are with tim " which sweet Lisa says, comforting me a lot as we drive to where Amy and Ty and the creepy guy with the gun is.

"Thank-you Lisa, that's a lot more comforting then you think.....can you please check that this is loaded" I say grabbing my old rifle from behind and handing it to her.

"Ok, we're getting close" she says.

3 person view:
Amy and Ty wait patiently with Harley and Spartan as Tim is at home, watching over the girls, the first actual responsible job he has been given by his family, his thoughts and prayers are with Lou.

Lisa and Jack approach the location and the guy with the shotgun still stands outside, slowly pacing the ground in front of the door.

Amy's P.O.V
"I hope Lou's ok" i say and just as I say this the door swings open.

Two figures emerge one holding a gun and one holding a lump.
"Wait what is that" I mumble leaning closer as if it will help.
"Wait! That's.....alive!" I add realising it.

The guy with the gun talks to the guy with the shotgun and they turn to the guy with the living lump.

They say something to the guy and the guy with the gun grabs a large pole, secures it in the ground and then they fasten the lump to it, like a flag.

"Ty, what are they doing!"'I say, desperate for an answer.
He hugs me and pulls me close,as we here a faint engine....
The noise stops before it gets close.

{6 minutes later}
"Amy, Ty,it's me, Lisa, jacks on his way with the gun."
I jump at the voice but relax as soon as I know it's safe.

"Lisa." Is all I say.

I reach to her and hug her tightly.

"Ok, so what are we looking at here" grandpa says, emerging holding his rifle.

He uses his scope then gasps, tenses and loads his gun.

"Jack? What is it?" Lisa says.
"That sacks not just alive, it's a human wait.......no.............yes...yes...it's her it's Lou....she's alive" he says.

"Oh thank god, but...what are they doing?" I say.
"Well....they've tied her to the post....." Grandpa says.
'No kidding' I think.

"What....what do we do..call the police?" Lisa says.

I shake my head and Ty says "no.they said in the note that if we try anything they'll kill her...we have to do this our selfs''

"oh ok then...everyone be quiet so I can take care of this" grandpa says aiming down the sight and facing those men.

"Wait,you'r not gonna shoot them are you?!" I say putting my hand on grandpas right arm, as he crouches to the left of me and Ty sits on my right, his arm around my waist.

"Don't worry,,I'm not gonna shoot them, just....watch this" grandpa says taking aim.

I turn and watch, I know grandpa won't lie so...what will he do?...

Suddenly three loud bangs ring through the air, like muffled thunder or tins rattled, it shocks my ears and as I look down I see both the guns on the ground, shattered and the rope that Lou has tied around her waist and tied up to the outstretched pole above her is...well no longer attached, she lay on the ground wriggling, that's a good sign.

"Let's get down there" I say standing up.

"No, you all stay here, I'm going down." Grandpa says standing up and scrambling down a small path that leads to the house.

One look at Ty and he's scrambling after grandpa.

Jack points the gun at the guys head and Ty pulls out a pistol and points it at the other...

where'd that come from?.- I wonder.


The guys heads nod like madman, Lisa and I can see from up here.

All three guys drop to the ground and I scramble towards Spartan.

I canter down the path and dismount, rushing to Lou.

I move away the rope and Lou looks up at me, apparently dazed.
"Amy!" She says. She reaches up and hugs me and I hug her back, we stay like that "Lou!" I whisper into her ear.

Soon grandpa joins our hug. I pull away after a minute and turn and hug Ty, eyeing the three gaged man kneeling on the ground behind Ty's back.

"The police are on there way" Lisa says, joining us.

"Ok guys, lets get out'a here" Lisa adds after a minute.

"W-Wait!" I say, responding to a whimpered whinny coming from behind the little house.

I walk towards the sound, Ty and the pistol following me.

But when I turn the corner I see what I wish I never, ever saw.

"Ty, oh my god!" I whimper looking at the dehydrated, sickly, skinny and injured chestnut.

"Wow, there not in good shape" Ty says, looking at the second horse that cowers in the corner of the make shift pen, it's tack still on it and rotting away.

I open the gate and walk cautiously up to the first horse, it shows freight in its eyes but is to weak to move.

"I...I'm calling Scott. He can come but in the meantime from my judgement...if you wanna...we should remove that tack from that horse over there, it could be infected." Ty says I nod and we walk over to the second horse.

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