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it's been four days now. I'm worried sick. Everyday I cry out the tears that are left in me. I hold her hand like her life depends on it. I cry some more and pray.

I wake up next to Amy.
"Please Amy...your in there, I know for sure and I know you can here me, my beautiful wife.....so please wake up. I'd do anything to have you here with me. I love you so much" I say to her, the fifty thousandth tear sliding down my cheek.

Suddenly she stirs a bit and I put my hand on her cheek. "Come to me amy" I murmur.

Amy's P.O.V
My hand. My cheek. I can feel his touch, clearly.....I here his soft words, I sense his presents, I feel the kiss her gives me.

It gets stronger, his voice becomes clearer.
But is it for sure?
Am I imagining it?
Is it another flashback?
Will I ever get to Ty?
She stirs again in bed and I hold her hand.

I glance at the time, it's 8:30.
Suddenly she shots up in bed, gasping for air.

"Amy!" I say.
She looks at me.
Tears stream down her face. "Ty!" She says, we share a passionate kiss, then a long embrace. I want it to stay like it.

I want us to stay together, I want to hold him forever, for he is my everything, he comes first, no matter what.
But, where am I?.
Ty sees me look around puzzled.
"Oh good, your awake ms Bordan" a doctor says, coming in.

"Mrs" Ty and I correct him at the same time.
He nods. "Um, this may be difficult to ask, but do you have any memory loss?" He adds.
"I...I-uh actually do....I remember riding Spartan up a track." She starts. "Is Spartan a horse?" The doctor asks she nods and continues.
"I-we heard a noise so I decided to investigate.
I felt Rough hands . They pulled me off Spartan and now.....now I'm here.i don't remember how I got here,,.wherever this place is, hospital right? or how I got this" she posts to the now faded gash on her head. 

"Memory loss is normal for this, but just in case , can you list all the people you live with, we have it in records and I just want to see." The doctor says and she nods.
She takes my hand in hers.
"Their's Ty and I in the loft, in the ranch house is Georgie,she's my -ah niece, Katy, my other niece, Lou, my sister, Jack, my grandpa, Lisa my grandma in law, my dad doesn't live with us, he's our neighbour" she says.

"Ok...I'll send doctor lopwell in to check up and possibly run some tests. He should've here in about five minutes" the blond doctor says then walks out.
"I'll call Lou and all that" I reply. Instead of calling I text Lou-
She's awake, get everyone and meet us in her room. Dr about to run tests. -
She texts back strait away-
Be there soon!
I hug and kiss Amy more, relieved I have her.
"I missed you so much, you know, I didn't go home once. I slept here" I point to the bed.

She nods. "I...I know.......I think...I think I heard you...." She says.
"You had us so worried!" Lou says coming into the room.

The sisters hug then the doctor comes in.

"Hi, sorry for the inconvenience, I need to assess mrs Bordan here...if you could all make your way out that would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou" the doctor says and we all get up.

When we get out he close the door and pulls the blind. 

We sit outside, "I'm so glad she's awake" I say, Lou sits next to me.
"Yeah, this past month has been so hectic, for all of us" she says.

Soon the doctor comes out.
"Ok, so do you want the good news or the bad news.?"

"Ah, good" I say.
"Ok, so mrs Fleming-Bordan will be fine, her body managed to flush out the drugs and toxins that were....presented to her....the bad news is she will be in here for about another couple of days, she has suffered a bit of memory loss and we intend on monitoring her."


Hey, my possible book titles I've thought of so far are....
•Ty & I
•the struggles and fun at heartland
•let's go camping
Together alone.

So there ^ they are, they're for Either a sequel or completely new book.
Insert an entry, I promise to consider each title.
The best will be voted for.
How r u liking the story so far?
Please people,I need feedback.

Forever alone- a heartland fanfic~ilikehorsesandcakeWhere stories live. Discover now