14: Missing...Really again?

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Two weeks later.
I yawn, sitting up in bed, a very sleepy Ty sitting up as well.

"Morning Ty" I mumble, rubbing my eyes.
"Morning Ames" he yawns,stretching.
"Have fun last night?" Ty grins.
"Yeah, just don't let me get that drunk again!" I laugh.
"Oh, but your funny when your drunk!" Ty laughs.
We sit back in bed but then I realise-

"Well, tornado goes back today so I better get ready. I'll bring breakfast over in a minute. " I say, getting up and heading for the shower.

*after the shower*
I pull my boots on and grab my hat, heading out he door.

I do the chores:
Mucking out,
Refill hay and water
Turn horses out.

Then I brush tornado down and get him and his tack ready for Mary.

And sure enough, at ten she pulls up the drive towing the trailer.

She steps out. "Hi Amy, hi jack, I'm glad you say tornado ready to come home, my daughters been missing him like crazy, well...should we sign the papers and get this done with, I'm sure you all have plenty planned" she says and with that we all head inside.

Lou , being Lou ,had everything ready and Mary and tornado are going down the drive at 20 to 11.

I sit down on a bail, another horse healed and that leaves another free spot. I just hate it, when people abuse horses, and sure, tornado wasn't abused but a few horses I've worked with, their's Spartan, albatross and many others.

Jack and Ty go to work on some motorbikes while Lou takes Georgie and Katy out for a meal with Lisa and that leaves me.

I decide that I'll just go for a ride.

I walk into the tack room/office and sit down on the chair.

I fiddle with a pen. I guess before I go I should check my emails.

My laptops in the loft.

I wonder up the stairs, sit on the bed and turn my laptop on.

I click on the email icon and then log in.

The screen loads and I discover six new emails.

One is from Malory and the others are clients.

One is a lady called Julie brown, she says that she is thirty year old and her five year old mare is having trouble being trailered, ridden and hates going in stable's.
I grab my phone and check her number  then I start to dial the number.

•-——Call start——-• Amy-a: Julie-j•-—–
J: hello
A:hi, is this Julie
J: yes. How may I help you
A:well, I'm Amy Bordan and I got your email
J: great!
A:do you want to make an appointment
J: sure, how's next Thursday,a weeks time.
A:perfect. I'll get a stall ready, bring your horse and any tack you have.
J: ok. Say 1?
J:great, sorry I got to go, I'll see you soon.
A:ok, bye
---••call end••--

I then text Lou, telling her that a client is coming and I text her the details 'cause she'll want them for sure.

I switch both my laptop and phone off then grab Spartans halter and lead.

I walk towards the paddock.
"Here boy" I say and he trots up to me.

I put his halter on then lead him into the barn.

I brush him down then begin to tack him up.

I swing the English saddle onto his back and do the girth strap up tight.

I check the stirrups then mount him.

I click my tongue and urge him forward, I turn him towards the paddocks and soon enough I'm breathing in peace and quiet.
I've always loved it here.

I screw on the fuel cap and rub my hands on my jeans.
"So, that's over" I mumble and go to fix a couple of fences with Jack.

It gets to 12:30 and everything is finished.
Now I just have to wait for Amy to get back then my day will be complete !

5 hours later (5:30)
"Ok, that's it, I'm going looking" I say to Jack and head for the barn.

I saddle a horse up and head out.


Time skip to eight o'clock
"She's not here, she's not anywhere Jack" I say angrily.
"Ok, we'll get together a search party, Tim and Lisa, you two can go to neighbouring properties. " he pauses. "Lou, you stay and make calls and look after Katy, "

"Georgie, Ty- oh good, your here Malory, you can check along the roads, on foot. Anyway, Georgie, Ty and I will head out on the horses have I missed anyone?" Jack asks as Malory comes into house. She's been back for a little while now.

No one speaks. "Ok, good, now come on."

"Ok, Georgie, thankyou for coming out, but it's ten so you should probably head home" Jack says.
"Ok" Georgie says.
"Come on, we should all go, we'll let the police do there job" I say and with that we all head back towards heartland.

By eleven we make it back and Lou tells us she's called around and asked but with no luck. Malory gets back and so does Lisa and Tim, everyone has no luck.

Sorry for the boring chap.
Thx for almost 100 views.

Tell me what I can do to be better.


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