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Your POV

What the.. I'm trapped in some kind of black sphere..
How did I get here.. We we're being teleported away.. 

Is that Frisk.. and Sans..?
No.. I can't just do nothing.. need to.. escape..

'You black out'

No one's POV

"(Y/N)!" Frisk yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM??"

"Oh nothing much child." he smirked "JUST DRAINING HIS SOUL"

Gaster shoots a beam of red light towards Frisk and she blocks it with her shield.

"Such determination." laughed Gaster.

"Take this G!" Sans summons bones and launches them towards Gaster.

Gaster notices and summons a hand that had a yellow glow in the hollow hole and shot small spheres of light towards the bones to counter them.

Frisk charges towards Gaster and attemps to slash him, but teleports away. 

"Get back here!" she said running towards him.

"You're fast child." Gaster compliments


"Gotcha!" Frisk grins "W-What?"

The smoke cleared up and Gaster blocked Frisk's attack by summoning up a green shield using the green hand.

"Take this." 

Gaster snaps his fingers and a Gaster Blaster appears, but it looks a lot different than Sans' . It shot a red beam towards Frisk, she managed to block it using her shield, but the shield cracked and threw her back.

"I gotcha kid." said Sans as he caught her right on time.

"Oh man," Frisk is breathing heavily "That was close.."

"We need to get (Y/N) out of that black sphere." said Sans "The longer he stays in there, the more Gaster drains his soul and becomes stronger."

"You really think you can defeat me?" Gaster laughs "Soon I will have my full physical body no one will be able to stop me!"

Your POV

Where am I now? It's so bright here. I walk around seeing nothing but and endless trail of white.

"Am I dead?" I ask myself  "GAH."

I suddenly got a bad headache. I-I see Sans and Frisk.. They're fighting someone. Wait. Oh no..

"FRISK! SANS!" I yell out, but they don't hear me.

"Foolish child." a voice said out of nowhere.

The room suddenly went dark. I couldn't see a mile ahead of me.

"Soon, you will no longer exist in this timeline, world, reality." the voice said.

"Your friends are trying to save you, but right now they are out there struggling to survive."

"No.." is Gaster the one talking?? "DON'T HURT THEM!"

"Or else what?" the voice said "I am growing stronger by the minute, it's pointless  to scream out. They can't save you."

Frisk's POV



"(Y/N), WE'LL GET YOU OUT OF THERE!" I yelled.

I charge towards Gaster again swinging my sword at him over and over again. With every swing he doges. I stop and jump up swinging my sword downwards. He blocks me again with his shield and I jump back.

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now