It's Me Your Best Friend

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Frisk's POV

"W-Where am I.. What happened..?"

I say taking a good look at my surroundings, I'm in Sans' lab, how did I get here?

"Thank god you're awake.. I was getting worried about you .." said (Y/N) as he gave me a tight hug.

"Chara..? Where is she..?" I ask. I try to sit up, but didn't have the strength to do it.

"Don't move to much kid, Chara drained the determination out of yah." said Sans, he's fixing some kind of machine.

"Hey (Y/N) can you hand me the wrench?" he twisted a few knobs "There, that should do it."

"What is this machine Sans?" asked (Y/N) curiously.

"This is what I've been working on, it should bring Gaster back." said Sans typing on the machine.

"Gaster? Are you sure about that..?" said (Y/N) rubbing the back of his head

"Don't worry kid, it'll be fine. Let's just hope this works this time." said Sans stepping back from the machine.

"This time..?" said (Y/N) "How many times did you-"

"I'd stand back if I were you."

"(Y/N).." I called for him.

"I'm here Frisk, I got you." he said hugging me, I return the hug and nuzzle into his chest.

The machine started releasing steam and smoke and it emitted a strong flash of light.

Gaster's POV

"The door opened. He did it, I'm proud of you son."

I walk up to the opened door. I knew my son could do it.

No one's POV

The machine stopped making noise and the doors opened.

"Welcome back G." said Sans smiling.

"Hello Sans, did you *mist* me?" said Gaster as he came out of the machine.

"Heh, sure did G." Sans was in tears "Oh man, my eyes are getting *foggy* from tears."

Gaster went and hugged Sans. Both of them in tears.

"Um guys, I don't mean to ruin a happy family reunion right now but.. can we a-*void* the jokes for now, Frisk is still drained and Chara still has everyone captive." (Y/N) said trying not to be rude.

"Of course, Chara finally wreaked havok hm." said Gaster looking serious.

"We need your help G." said Sans.

"Y-Yes Dr. Gaster.. please help us.." said Frisk still weak.

"Alright everyone, let's pay Chara a visit."

With those words, Gaster teleported everyone to the courtroom.

"Wait, how did you know where to go?" asked (Y/N).

"I know lots of things child," said Gaster dusting himself off "Like how you and Frisk are a couple."

(Y/N) and Frisk both blushed, while Gaster just gave them a thumbs up.

"Take good care of her (Y/N), she's a keeper."

"She sure is." (Y/N) hugged Frisk near him.

"So, you're finally back. I never thought you'd come back." laughed Chara "I see, that you got someone for back-up."

"You know, it didn't have to be this way Chara." said Gaster as his eyes glowed red and blue.

Chara sent knives towards them and Gaster blocked them with a green shield. Sans sent bones towards her and Chara dodges them.

"Dr. Gaster, can you stay here and protect Frisk." said (Y/N) as both of his fists got engulfed in (F/C) flames "Chara is after her."

"But.." said Frisk grabbing his arm.

"We can't let Chara near you again, she might drain your determination and get stronger." said (Y/N) hugging her.

"He's right kiddo, better safe than sorry." said Sans as he sent bones towards Chara.

Frisk's POV

My (Y/N) and Sans went off to fight Chara, while Gaster summoned a force field around us. The battle has been going on for a while and is showing no sign of stopping. Chara summoning and sending knives towards (Y/N) and Sans, while (Y/N) sent energy beams and Sans sent bones towards Chara. It was an exchange of attacks between both sides.

"We can't just stay here and do nothing!" I said worried.

"You believe in your friend and boyfriend right?" asked Gaster looking at the battle.

"Yes, I do.."

"Then trust them Frisk. They can do this." he said smiling. "Besides, I'll step in if something goes-"

(Y/N) flew back and crashed through 2 walls.

"(Y/N)! please Gaster, I need to help him!"

"I spoke to soon.. Stay here." Gaster went and attacked Chara with Gaster Blasters and she flew through walls.

I run to (Y/N), he flew pretty far back.

"(Y/N)! Please be ok.."

I kneel beside him and he slowly sits up.

"Ugh.. that hurt. GAH." he grabbed the side of his stomach.

"Let me see." I said removing his hand. "You have a huge cut!"

"It's fine, I can still *pant* fight." he said standing up, but quickly fell back down.

"No you can't and won't!" I said angrily "You're hurt badly!"

"Duck!" said Sans as he flew directly above us and crashed into the wall.

"Man, Chara is too strong." he said getting out of the rubble.

"She sure is," said Gaster as he appeared next to us. "Not even I can beat her. The determination that she drained out of Frisk made her too powerful."

"Prepare to die,  I will make that I tear you all limb by limb. I will make sure that you will feel as much pain as possible." Chara laughed. "Say goodbye. Asriel this is what we wanted, our hopes and dreams on freeing all monsters and destroying all of humanity! Asriel.."

Chara summoned hundreds of knives and shot them towards us.

"Chara, no!" said a familiar voice.

A bright flash of light appeared in the middle of the room.

"N-No, impossible.. I trapped everyone inside the void.." said Chara floating down to the floor.

"Chara are you in there, it's me your best friend." said the voice as the light died down.

"Asriel Dreemurr."

"Asriel?" said (Y/N) sitting up "WHERE THE HECK DID YOU COME FROM MAN!?"

"A-Azzy.." said Chara dropping down on her knees. "How..?"

A/N: And that's a wrap for this chapter folks. Also I can't believe this story has reached over 500 reads like holy damn thank you everyone so much. I'd honestly never thought my story would get this much reads.

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now