Christmas Morning

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A/N: It's Christmas! Merry Christmas to everyone, I'm going to try make this chapter a bit festive. Forgive me if my rhymes aren't good. 😅

No one's POV

Christmas morning has arrived,

Frisk woke up with a surprise.

(Y/N) made her breakfast in bed,

Frisk giggled and gave him a kiss on his head.

Both rushed down as quick as they could,

Until (Y/N) tripped over some firewood.

He rolled down the stairs and screamed about,

Fortunately Sans caught him before he could yell 'ouch'.

Both were filled with excitement glee,

Headed down to the Christmas Tree.

Frisk determined to open her presents up,

Papyrus and Asriel came rushing out,

Both were screaming from the top of their lungs,


Not long after they all went down,

Especially Asgore who also came crashing down.

Chara soon joined Asriel in delightful glee,

"Morning sis!"

Papyrus brought out spaghetti laughing; NYEEE NYEE NYEEEE. 

(I had to make it rhyme somehow.. ^_^")

Everyone was happy and cheery,

Non of them felt gloomy nor weary.

They all went outside as they yelled and shout,

"Merry Christmas to all!"

"Now let's get back inside before we get noise complaints now.."

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now