The Plan (1)

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Frisk's POV

I slowly wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I really didn't want to answer it.

"Hello..?" I said with a hint of sleepiness in my voice.

"Oh did I disturb you my child?" It's Toriel "I was just a bit concerned, because you and (Y/N) haven't come out of your rooms yet."

"Oh, sorry goat mom.. I guess we're still tired from the camp fire last night.. (Y/N) is still asleep."

"I see my child, best let him rest. You too, we'll be at the cottage if you two are ready to come out." Toriel said almost whispering.

"Why are you whispering?" I wondered.

"Oh, your Dad is sleeping right now." Toriel said giggling a bit.

"Sleeping? What time is it?" I said turning towards the clock on the night table. "Mom.."

"Yes my child?"

"It's 7 in the morning.." I said sweat dropping "No wonder Dad fell asleep there.."

"Ehehe.. I guess so my child," Toriel giggled " Well Undyne and Papyrus and Alphys are running the entire shoreline and back for training. Asriel and Chara are just relaxing here in the cottage, Sans, I guess he went back into his room."

"That's.. good to hear?" I tried not to sound rude. I really don't like being waken up for no reason. "We'll go out 2 hours from now."

"Alright my child, rest well."

The call ended and I placed my phone back on the night table.

"How are they up so early..?" (Y/N) said rubbing his eyes.

"Hey.. you're awake," I said kissing his cheek "Did I disturb your sleep?"

"Don't worry, you didn't." He said sitting up "You can go back to sleep if you want to."

"What about you?" I yawned.

"I'll just get something to eat," he said hugging me "Want anything?"

"Nah.. I'm good."

He gave me one last kiss before leaving the room.

Your POV

I walked down the path leading to the shore and entered the cottage.

"Good morning Toriel, Asriel, Chara."  I said smiling.

"Good morning my (Y/N)." she smiled "I suppose Frisk went back to sleep?"

"Yeah, I didn't want her to come with me," I said scratching the back of my head "She looked a bit.. how do I say this in a nice way.. irritated."

"I owe her an apology then, I just wanted everyone to experience the morning breeze. We're going to leave tomorrow afternoon so I wanted to make it count." Toriel said petting the head of the sleeping Asgore "It just reminded me about back when we were still underground. The cool breeze, the quiet surroundings."

I took in what Toriel said and just stared into the ocean. The sound of the calm waves hitting the shore, the cool morning breeze and not much people were out yet, surprisingly. It really was beautiful.

"Do you have any plans for Frisk, (Y/N)?" Toriel asked out of the blue.

"Plans?" I asked a bit confused.

"Forgive me if that came out a bit blunt child," Toriel giggled "By plan, I meant if you were planning to do anything with Frisk today?"

I thought long and hard about it, nothing much came to mind, except for walking along the beach, swimming, sleeping?

"I think I have an idea." I said taking a bit of food and started running back to my room "Thank you Toriel!"

"Be careful (Y/N)!" she said a bit worried.

I ran as fast as I could, trying not to drop the food. I then slowly open the door seeing that Frisk is still asleep, perfect.

"I hope this works." 

I tried using the night table, but it didn't look too good. So i decided to look in the closet, because why not?

To my luck, there was an over-bed table, perfect.

"Wait.. aren't these used in hospitals..?"

I didn't mind and just set up the breakfast and gently shook Frisk.

"Wakey, wakey, my little Frisky." I said smiling at her.

"That didn't rhyme.. but that's still cute.." Frisk rubbed her eyes slowly.

"Breakfast in bed, this is sweet (N/N)," she kissed my cheek "Thank you."

"Anything for you, my love." I said hugging her. "(Y/N) one question?"

"Yes, Frisk?"

"Isn't this the table they use in hospi-"

"Don't ask, I found it in the closet.." I said feeding her.

Frisk's POV

I can't believe (Y/N) got me breakfast in bed, it's so sweet of him. I want to do something special for him too. I am filled with DETERMINATION.

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now