How it all began

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No one's POV

It was a rather interesting morning; you woke up a lot earlier than usual.

"4:30am?" you said looking at the clock "Man.. why did I wake up so early, school doesn't start for another two 2 hours.."

You got up and went down stairs; you opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. You grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets and poured some milk in your glass.

"This should help me fall back asleep.." you said groaning. After placing the glass and milk away you head back to bed and fell asleep instantly.


"*groan* what now.." you looked at the clock "Oh Shit. No. I'll be late!!!" you said as you rushed out of bed. You quickly washed up and head towards your closet with your toothbrush still in your mouth. You put on your (F/C) jacket, (F/C) jeans and (F/C)shoes. "NOOOO I'LL BE LATE FOR CLASS!! AGAIN!!!" you then head downstairs and grabbed a sandwich that was prepared for you and rushed straight out of the house.

~Time skip~
Class had already started and the teacher was taking everyone's attendance. He saw the empty seat and was about to mark you absent until.

"PRESENT SIR!" you said barging in the class.

"Ah.. Mr. (L/N) that was a close one, don't you think?" he said checking your attendance.

You then sat down and breathed heavily trying to catch your breath, little did you know someone looked at you and let out a small giggle seeing you.

"Alright class let's start the quiz, you have an hour to finish."

Class wasn't that hard, you managed to finish the work that was given to you in 30 minutes; you look around seeing everyone staring down at their work except for a girl who quickly looks down on her paper when you look at her. The rest of the classes were alright, you just had a lesson about the earth's minerals and geothermal heat.

~Time Skip~

It was lunch and you walked down to your locker when you saw 2 guys picking on someone. As you walked closer, you saw who it was, it was the girl in your class. So you approached the two bullies.

Your POV

"What do you two think you're doing?" I said approaching them, there is no way I'm letting them hurt her, don't they know who she is?

"What do you want (Y/N)" said the biggest, he's a bit taller than me. "Since when did you care about others?"

I flinched a bit at what he said, but snapped back to reality.

"Leave her alone." I said in my usual blank expression.

"Or what?" he said as he kicks her, the girl lets out a painful yelp. She was already crying.

"You better not do that again." I said in a more threatening tone.

The bully kicked the girl again then ran towards me with his hand balled up into a fist

"YOU'RE GONNA REGRET MESSING WITH ME (L/N)!" as he threw his punch.

I step aside dodging his attack, he face planted straight into a locker knocking him onto the ground. That was hilarious!

"WHY YOU LITTLE.." he said as he got back up, he threw another punch and I dodge again, that was close..

"GAAAAH!" the bully screamed in pain as his hand hit the hard concrete wall. He dropped down on his knees and held his bleeding hand crying, the other bully came at me angrily.

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now