The Plan (2)

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Frisk's POV

I finish eating the wonderful breakfast that (N/N) made me and change into my usual blue sweater and brown shorts. Still wondered why there was a hospital table in the closet, but if it means that (Y/N) made me a sweet breakfast, I'm not complaining.

"Ok, you can turn around now, I'm done changing." I said hugging him from behind.

"How can I turn around when you hugged me from there?" he teased. "Come on, let's go to the cottage, Toriel is waiting for us."

I simply nodded and we left the room, I have to somehow think of a way to give him something special too, but what? It didn't take that long and we arrived to the cottage, (N/N) was right, everyone was already there, except for Sans.

"Oh, you're finally awake my child." Toriel hugged me.

"Yes goat mom, I guess the camp fire last night tired me out." I giggled

"Ah, good morning Frisk," said Asgore petting my head "How'd you sleep?"

"I had a good sleep, especially since (Y/N) was so warm~" I said grabbing (Y/N) hand.

I looked at him and noticed a slight blush building up, he looks so cute.

"Asriel and Chara are right over there if you two want to go to them." he said laying back down on the bench. "I'm impressed on how sturdy this is."

(Y/N) and I head towards Chara and Asriel, they just seem to be building a.. I guess it looks like a sand castle?

"Hey Frisk, you're finally awake!" said Chara smiling "We've been waiting for a while."

"It wasn't that long Chara," giggled Asriel "Maybe just around 2 hours or so?"

We all laughed and decided to stroll around the shore, we met up with Undyne and Papyrus on the way. Papyrus looked beat while Undyne gave it her all.

Your POV

"Papyrus and Undyne have been running non-stop for 2 hours..?"

I scratched the back of my head, Papyrus already looks like he's going to throw up.

"You can do it Paps!"

I tried to encourage him, but he just kept going with a blank stare.

Frisk's POV

"Is he going to be alright?" I asked a bit worried.

"Let's hope so, he wanted to join in on Undyne's routine in the first place." said Asriel sweat dropping.

After a few more minutes of walking, we decided to turn back because of some barriers put up by the neighboring resort, now that I think about it, this resort we're staying in is quite huge compared to the others around it.

"Hey Chara, can I talk with you for a minute?" I asked tapping her shoulder.

"Sure thing Frisk, what's up?" she smiled.

"You sure do smile a lot now huh," I giggled "That's good."

"Yeah, I try to be as friendly as I can." her smile become a sad frown "Not many still trust me after the incident.."

"Cheer up Chara," I reassure her "We forgive you, even Sans did."

"So do I," (Y/N) decided to butt in "Even if you left this scar on my stomach."

"(Y/N).. not helping.." I glared at him.

"S..Sorry.. I'll go on ahead.." he said running off a bit scared.

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now