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Your POV

I slowly wake up as the sun hits my face through the curtains. I look at the time it says 8:07AM.

"Pretty early.."

I look beside me and see the still naked Frisk sleeping soundly, so I get out of bed as slowly as I can to avoid waking her up. I pull the blanket over her and kissed her forehead before grabbing a pair of boxers and a shirt and then headed downstairs.

I walk up to the fridge and open it, I got a glass and filled it up and placed the milk back, but as soon as I close the fridge.

"Heya kid."

"GAAAAAAAH." I spit out my milk from shock "SANS WHAT THE HELL MAN!"

"Sorry (Y/N), I let myself in just a few minutes ago hehe." He said sweat dropping

"You could've called.." I facepalmed.

"Weeeeell.. the both of you looked pretty peaceful while sleeping so I didn't want to wake you up." He said nudging me.

Sleeping peacefully.. wait then that means..


"By look, you mean teleported myself into your room, found you still sleeping then went downstairs to watch TV, then yeah I looked." He said sitting down on the couch.

"I don't wanna know.. but since you're already here, help me make breakfast." I said handing him the frying pan.

"Also that was some fun you two had last night. He.he.he." Sans said laughing silently.

"Fun? What do you mean?"


Sans' Flashback POV

"I wonder how Frisk and (Y/N) are doing?"

*Phone starts ringing in the tune of megalovania*

"Speaking of the kid," he said answering the call "Sup?"



*Ends call and stares at phone*

"What the fuck did I just hear.."

~Back to present~

"Oh nothing." He said patting my back.

Frisk's POV


Oh this is just soo perfect! The beach, the sunset, the porch!

"Frisk." Said (Y/N) seductively

"Yes, my love~?"

"How do these flowers smell?" he said handing me a bouquet

"Oh (Y/N) they smell lovely and.. like bacon..?"

I suddenly wake up from my dream sitting up on the bed. The aroma of bacon and eggs filled the room, I got out of bed and wore my shorts and took one of (N/N) shirts.

"I'm sure of won't mind if I wear one."

I head downstairs to see my (Y/N) and.. Sans? Cooking breakfast.

"Oh, good morning sleepy head." (Y/N) said as he placed the last batch of bacon strips on a plate.

"Heya Frisk," Sans said chowing down on his food "I never knew bacon with ketchup would taste so good!"

"One question Sans." I said sitting down at the table "What are you doing here this early?"

"Oh, Toriel told me, to tell you to tell that the meeting with the World Organization will begin tomorrow." He said teleporting his plate to the sink.

"Oh right, I almost forgot!" I said in a panicked tone.

"Don't worry Frisky," (Y/N) said placing the remaining plates at the sink "You got this, besides we'll be there with you."

He hugs me then kisses my forehead.

"You'll do fine Frisk," he smiled.

His smile always make me feel comfortable and reassures me.

"Welp, I best be going now. I still have to get back to work." Said Sans "Still trying to get my machine to work."

And he left.

Your POV

He's really going to try to bring Gaster back huh. No problem, if he tried to do something again, I can send him back into the void.

"(N/N)." Frisk said rubbing my cheeks


"Your eyes are glowing (F/C) again." She said letting go of my cheeks

"Oh sorry.. it's just that.. will we be able to trust Gaster if ever Sans succeeds to bring him back? After what he did?" I said sitting down on the couch.

"I'm sure it'll be alright, he is Sans' dad." She said snuggling onto me.

"Can you help me prepare for the meeting tomorrow?"

"Sure, let's get to work right now." I carry Frisk back upstairs bridal style and placed her down on the computer.

"Alright, let's do this."

*2 hours later*

"This is a lot harder than I thought.." I said slamming my face on the desk.

"How are you doing over there Frisk?"

"Um.. making progress..I think?" she said

I walk up to her and looked at the screen.


"We're gonna need help.."

Alphys' POV

"Just a bit more and the remote shield will be complete!"

*Phone rings*


"This is Dr. Alphys how may I help you?"

"'Hey Alphys, it's (Y/N)."

"Oh hey (Y/N)! How can I help you? Need a new gadget?"

"Um.. not exactly.." he said in a stressed tone.

~1 hour later~

No one's POV

"So I came all the way here, to help Frisk make a speech at the World Organization meeting tomorrow?" said Alphys sweat dropping.

"Please Alphys, we can't do it alone." Said Frisk puling Alphys' Labcoat

"Come on Al please..? We've been at it for hours and have come up with nothing.." you said with sparkly eyes.

"I would love to help you guys out, b-but I really have to finalize the prototype shield for Asgore and-"

*Frisks joins in with the sparkly eyes*

"Fine.. let's make this quick." Said Alphys giving in.

"ALRIGHT ALPHYS!" you and Frisk exclaim simultaneously.

Gaster's POV

"You cannot be serious. Doing that will break the ties that the humans and monsters already built up!"

"Humans.. I hate humanity.. They deserve to die.." said the unknown voice

"But my son is already working on a way to bring us back!"

"Sorry Dr. Gaster, but I'm about to change the course of this peace talk."

"No, don't!"

She disappeared.. assuming that she has enough strength to manifest herself, but her determination is filled with hate for humanity. I don't have enough strength to re-assemble my molecules on my own ever since the fight.. She'll cause havoc among the humans and monsters, son please hurry.

A/N: So here's another chapter. Sorry if I haven't been updating frequently, currently facing an issue within the family, but I will try to update regularly.

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now