You're Filled With Determination

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A/N: Thank you for the 50+ reads. I'm glad to see that you guys enjoy reading my story!


No one's POV

"That brat was able to block my attack?!?" Gaster sweat dropped.

You let down the shield you summoned up and drop down to the floor on your knees. Frisk rushes over to you and helps you up.

"H-How did you..?" she stuttered

"Ever since the monsters came out of the underground." you smiled

Frisk smiles back in response, she looked beautiful.

"Can you fight?" Sans asked

You simply nod, but Frisk had a worried expression.

"Alright, take over for me.." Sans said panting "My last attack.. drained most of my energy.."

"We got this Sans." You said giving a thumbs up.

Your POV

Frisk and I rushed towards Gaster and attacked him head on. Frisk swung her Sword while I blasted (F/C) balls of energy at him. Gaster's head seems to be cracking, we got him now!

"ENOUGH." Gaster yelled.

He summoned his two giant hands again and fired towards Frisk. Frisk summons up a shield, but cracked a few seconds after. The blast launched her back.


I run to Frisk hoping that she's alright

"FRISK," I hugged her "Please be alright.."

"I-I'm alright (N/N).." she says touching my face "I was just careless.."

"You soul.." Her soul is nearly drained out "T-That means.."


I pick up Frisk bridal style and put her next to Sans who is still unconscious.

"Stay here Frisk," both of your eyes glow (F/C) "I'll be right back, I love you."

'You are filled with DETERMINATION'

No one's POV

You teleport right in front of Gaster, catching him off guard and fire a (F/C) beam directly onto him, which launches him back far. Gaster uses the huge hands he summoned and fires at you, you dodge with ease.

"I'll return the favor." You fired your energy balls towards the two hands making them break and disappear.

You notice that Gaster's skull now has a huge crack in it.

"It appears that I am reaching my limit.." he said looking at you. He then summons up all 6 hands and combine their energy blast into one.

You take the attack head on and a huge explosion occurs after.

"(Y-Y/N)!" Frisk yelled in a worried tone

You walk out of the smokescreen unharmed with only your jacket ripped.

"Oh man.." you said taking it off "This was one of my favorite too."

Gaster had a scared expression on and decided to fire a beam towards Frisk and the still unconscious Sans. You notice and teleported in front of them blocking it.

"THAT'S FUCKING IT GASTER." You said in an angry tone.

Both of your hands engulfed in energy and you teleport in front of Gaster.

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now