A Day Off (Lemon)

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Frisk's POV

It's been 2 months since the declaration of peace and freedom between monsters and humans. Monsters now have the same rights as humans and everything turned out better then expected. Although some are still skeptical of monsters, many have accepted them. (Y/N) has recovered from his wound, but it left a scar. He gets so insecure about it, but I think it looks cool. As for Chara, she's doing alright, everyone forgave her for what she has done. Asriel has been showing her around the city. (Y/N) told his parents about our relationship and they approved, same with my family. He is also currently living with us for the time being while their house is being repaired. (Y/N) managed to blow up their house during his sleep, due to a nightmare about the incident. His parents are out of the country this time, while the repairs are being made.

"I should really get prepared." I close my diary and walk to the bed. "Wonder where (Y/N) is, it sure is taking him a while to get sunscreen."

I hear running from outside the door and it slams open.

"Sorry.. *pant* I'm late love.." said my (Y/N) as he was panting and drenched in sweat. "I ran as fast as I.. *pant* could.."

"Why did you run my (N/N)?" I say walking towards him. I took a hand towel from my cabinet and started wiping his sweat off.

"The nearest store ran out of sunscreen, so I had to go to the mall which is literally 20 minutes from here..via running.." he said catching his breath.

"You could've teleported you know." I said giggling.

(Y/N) paused for a while then facepalmed, I think it's cute.

"It's alright, here." I threw his bag on him "Time to get packing, we don't want to keep everyone waiting."

"I'm up, I'm up." he said grabbing clothes from his closet.

I walk up behind him and gave him a hug, he turned around in surprise.

"Yes, Frisk?" he asked.

"Nothing, love." I said looking up to him "I just wanted to give you a hug."

He kisses me on my forehead then my lips, we stay like this for a while before stopping.

"I love you too Frisk, let's get back to packing." he smiled.

Someone knocked on the door and (Y/N) opened it, it was Chara.

"Hey you two lovebirds, you guys gonna come with us or not?" she teased.

"We're coming Chara," I said zipping up my bag "We'll be right down."

After packing our things we both head downstairs Asriel was waiting for us and he lead us out of the house. There were two cars in front of us. The family van where we will be going in and Papyrus' new sports car, where Sans, Alphys and Undyne will be riding with. (Y/N) and I sat at the far back while Chara and Asriel sat at the middle of the van. Dad was driving and goat mom was riding shotgun.


"Alright Papyrus, try to keep up." goat dad said honking the van's horn.

"Hey Asriel, Chara, what are you two gonna do the on the way to the beach?" I asked them

"I'm not really sure," said Asriel "I guess just play the new ultimate smack bros."

"I'll just sleep and listen to music." said Chara wearing her headphones.

"What about you Frisk?" asked (Y/N) "What are you gonna do until we get there?"

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now