Your Story

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Your POV

"I-I'm the embodiment of order..? H-How?" I asked really confused.

"Let me show you." Core!Frisk said extending her hand. "Let's go back to where it all began."

The room suddenly started forming objects and we ended up in a little apartment, now that I think about it something about this place feels oddly familiar.

"W-Where are we?" I asked a bit nervous.

A loud thud was heard and a small kid, was thrown down on the floor. He had bruises all over and was in tears.. wait a second.. it's me.. but..

"How you ask?" Core!Frisk spoke up "I know and see everything (Y/N), it is my job right now to make you remember."

"But.." I said taking a step forward.

"Just watch." she shushed me.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE YOU LITTLE RUNT." a man in a dirty white tee came towards my younger self.

"N-no.. p-please dad!" my younger self pleaded.

Dad..? Wait.. that man is my dad, how is this.. why don't I remember any of this!?

"Don't hurt our son you monster!" a woman tackled the man right before he could swing the broom at my younger self.


The man was cut off when the woman broke a wine glass across his face.  A cut was noticeably visible after the impact.

"Did you just.. Ohohoho, I can't believe you just did that you BITCH." the man grabbed the woman and pinned her against the ground.

He took a nearby knife from the drawers and slowly sliced her arms.

"MOM!" my younger self screamed "DON'T HURT HER YOU MONSTER!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY BRAT?" the man stood up and swung the knife at my younger self.. only to be stopped by..

"M-Mom..?" my younger self froze in fear. "MOM!"

"I-It's alright my child.." she coughed out blood "Everything's going to be alri-"

The woman collapsed and remained still, my younger self ran up to her and tried to wake her up. The man grabbed my younger self by the collar and threw me out the balcony.

"W-Wait.. Core!Frisk.." I said nearly losing myself.

"Please, just call me Frisk." she said in a monotone tone.

"H-How did I survive that and why don't I remember any of this!" I said kneeling down looking at my lifeless mother.

The scenery changed once more and I saw my younger self unconscious on top of piles of garbage bags. That explains how I survived.. but why can't I remember any of this.. or even before at that fact..

"Look." Core!Frisk pointed towards two people running towards my unconscious body.

"Oh my! Honey, we need to help this poor child!" the woman who I recognize as my "mom" came rushing to my aid.

"Hurry up and don't waste time, it's an emergency!" the man who I recognize as my "dad" came running after.

I teared up at the sight of everything that is happening, I cannot process any of these, I'm so confused!

"Let's fast forward to when you wake up from your coma." Frisk said snapping her fingers.

We were in a hospital, I saw my younger self slowly waking up. I watched myself look around wondering where I was.

Don't Give In Stay Determined - Female! Frisk x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now