Chapter 3: Should I Trust Him?

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This Chapter has been edited by crystalunicorn_

Chapter 3: Should I Trust Him?

The ride to Chad’s house was over quicker than I would have liked. I was hoping to have enough time to gather up what I was going to say, but that wasn’t the case, I was still at square one.

"Jess, I can’t do this… let’s just go home. I… I’ll just do this all on my own; I don’t want to mess with his career." I said. I really didn’t want to be responsible for messing up his life. What if everything ended up in the tabloids?! I’d ruin his career before it even began! I would feel terrible.

"Honey, it isn’t solely your fault if his career goes down the drain. Chad knew what the possible outcome of having sex was. It’s his fault just as much as it is yours. I hate to tell you, Mand, but it takes two to make a baby." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder for reassurance. It sounded too… fake. I knew she was irritated with me for going out and getting pregnant but she was doing her best to help me. "Now get your cute little butt up there and tell that boy he is going be a papa." She all but shoved me out of the car.

I walked up to the door slowly with nothing in mind as to what I was going to say. Once I made it up to the door and hesitantly put my fist up to knock. God what the hell am I doing! Why don’t I just abort the baby and I’ll never have to worry about needing help! I was panicking…What am I saying! I could never murder a helpless baby… It’s my fault that he or she is trying to make its way into the world. It’s not the baby’s fault it’s Chad and mine’s fault.

I slowly tapped on the door. I knew it wouldn’t take him long to make it to the door because the house wasn’t very big. It was a one storey house; I would probably say 1500sq feet. It was nice though, but by the looks of it, it was nothing but a bachelor pad. The door opened and there standing before me was Chad. In all of his hotness, he was wearing a pair of jeans and his boxers were barley sticking out of the top, and he was shirtless. My jaws were this close to dropping, but I held it together.

"Mandy?" he said, confusion all over his face. "What are you doing here?" he didn’t look pissed or anything, he actually looked like he wanted to see me; but he was definitely confused as to why I was on this doorstep.

"Hi Chad…" Was all I managed to choke out before tears welled up in my eyes and spilled over. Damn hormones!

"Mandy, what’s the matter?" he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me inside. He led us into what I would guess was his living room. What with the huge TV and recliners.

"I have something to tell you and you’re not going to like it." I sniffled. "I’m sorry if I seem like a stalker I just I really had to tell you this." I said through tears.

"Mandy, you don’t seem like a stalker, at all!" He smiled. I melted. "If anything I’m an asshole for letting you wake up alone that morning. I should have never done that to you. I just freaked, I mean, I’m sure you already know who I actually am. When I woke up that next morning, I was afraid that you would realize who I actually am and freak out and think that I was just using you, but I seriously wasn’t. I really do like you Mandy." God this guy was freaking hot. What am I saying… I really need to stay focused on the conversation.

"Chad, I’m pregnant." I said. He immediately grabbed my hand.

"Are you sure?" he asked drawing circles on my wrist.

"I’ve taken three different test and they all came up with those damn little pink plus signs." I said again through tears.

Chad didn’t say anything he just grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back. We stayed like that for who knows how long. I couldn’t help the flood of tears. Every time I tried to stop, I sniffle then start crying again even harder, and he holds me even tighter. My eyes finally gave in and went dry.

"Chad I’m so sorry I did this to you. It’s going to ruin your career. I’m so sorry, we don’t have to say that it’s yours and you don’t even have to see the baby, all I ask is that you give me some child support every month to help out." I said hoping that he wouldn’t agree to it because I truly did want him in the baby’s life.

"Mandy." He put a finger under my chin and made me look up at him. "I don’t care about my career. All I care about is helping with this baby. I want to be there for you and the baby." He said with honesty in his eyes, his beautiful eyes...

"Are you serious?" I asked

"Totally, I’m not going to let you go through this alone." He said. We talked for about twenty more minutes then I told him that Jess was actually waiting for me in the car and that I need to go. Chad gave me his cell number and told me to call him if I needed anything.

On the car ride home I told Jess everything and she couldn’t believe it, she kept telling me I was crazy.

"No Jess I’m serious, he wants to be there for me and the baby. God, I’m so happy that went over well." I said. I hadn’t been able to wipe the smile off my face since I left his house.

"If you ask me it sounds too good to be true. I don’t know if you should trust him, Mand. I mean, what guy takes the news of getting a girl knocked up that well!" She exclaimed. She was really beginning to piss me off.

"A gentleman! A gentleman would do that." I spat back. How could she say that about him!

We were at my house now. "Don’t bother coming in Jess if you’re just going to be a bitch. I’ll see you at school tomorrow, thanks for taking me over to his house I really appreciate it."

"I’m sorry for being a bitch Mand. I just want you to be cautious that’s all, I love you and I don’t want to see you get hurt." She sighed. "I’ll see you tomorrow at school okay, but I gotta go home, unlike you my parents are home." She laughed

"Alright, see ya tomorrow." I said while getting out of the car. I walked inside and ran up to my room.

After the day’s events I was exhausted. I put on my pajamas and climbed into bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard my phone go off. I reached over to see that I had one new message from Chad.

I just wanted to let you know that I haven’t been able to take my mind off of you since that night. I’m sorry this happened but I’m not sorry that we met each other. I’ll call you tomorrow. Goodnight and sweet dreams.


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