Chapter 5: Crazy Dreams

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Chapter 5: Crazy Dreams

We Bought A Zoo was good, but that didn't stop me from falling asleep half way through it. I had just felt so comfortable in Chad's arms that I couldn't help but fall asleep. The salad he had made me was probably one of the best salad's i've had in a while. God i'm glad he can cook.

I was awoken when someone aka Chad had picked me up off the couch and was carrying me to my bedroom. We were about half way up the stairs when I got super dizzy and knew any minute I was going to be puking. "Chad, put me down i'm going to be sick!" I all but shouted.

Chad didn't put me down though he just rushed me to the bathroom and set me down in front of the toilet. I puked up every last bit of the salad that Chad had made for me and probably more. When I was finally done I stood up, Chad's arms were at my waist making sure I didn't fall on may way up.

"Are you okay." he asked while we where making our way to my bedroom.

"Yeah, i'm fine just morning sickness." I replied

"Isn't morning sickness supposed to be in the morning hence "Morning Sickness"." he said as I just chuckled and shook my head.

"looks like someone is going to have to do some reading. It may be called morning sickness but it can come at anytime of the day." I said.

"Oh, Yay!' he said unenthusiastically. "C'mon lets get you to bed. What time do you think your parents will be home, I don't want to leave you here alone." he said

"Well, see here's the thing they only come home about once a month. They are always out working and what not so I'm always here by myself." I said like it was nothing, and in all honesty it was nothing I had been staying by myself since I turned twelve. Mom and Dad had set me up a bank account and put money in it every week for groceries. Then when I turned sixteen they bought me a new car so I would have a way to get around.

"Oh, I didn't know that." he said looking skeptical. "I still don't like you being here by yourself. You know you can come stay with me anytime you want."

"I would but I really like my bed." I chuckled. "But if you really don't want me here by myself there is a guest room across the hall that you can stay in."

"What your not going to let me sleep with you? I mean we already made a baby what else could happen." he chuckled under his breath

"Ha very funny, but I was drunk and i'm guessing you were too. So for now lets just take it slow get to know each other, deal?" I said.

"Deal, Goodnight Mandy." he said while kissing my forehead

"Night." I barley managed to choke out before he shut the door.

With that I fell asleep.


I was running from a dinosaur. Why I have no idea, but I just knew it was going to kill me. It was gaining on me and fast. I was running with my arms flailing everywhere and screaming at the top of my lungs.

"HELP.....PLEASE, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could.

"Mandy!" I heard a voice and knew it to be Chad's

"Chad please help me it's following me please help me." I screamed again.

"Mandy, wake up it's only a dream."

***Dream is Over***

I flew up out of the bed almost hitting my head against Chad's. My breathing was coming out in ragged breaths and I couldn't seem to catch it. Chad wrapped his arms around me and started running his fingers through my hair in a soothing way.

"Shhh... Mandy, it's going to be okay, it was only a dream....Shh" he repeated over and over

As my breath came back I started thinking about the dream that I had, had and couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. Chad leaned back and gave me a look of confusion and I started laughing uncontrollably.

"Mandy, what are you laughing about." he asked confusion still on his face.

"I...I...G-guess it's t-true what t-they say about p-p-pregnant women having the most ridiculous dreams." I managed to choke out.

Chad still looked at me with confusion. "What?"

I finished up my laughing and told Chad about my dream and when I was finished he was almost rolling on the floor laughing. "REALLY, A DINOSAUR!" he shouted.

"Ha, Ha, I know. See what I mean." I laughed

"Yea, I do now lets get you back to sleep. You have school in the morning and I don't want to be responsible for you not getting any sleep." He said as he kissed the top of my head. "Night again." he laughed as he left and went to the guest bedroom.

After he left I couldn't help but think about how I could easily fall in love with this boy. I mean i'm still mad that I got myself knocked up but at least it was with someone who is going to try and help me in every-way that he can. With that I rolled over and fell into a dreamless sleep


Hey everybody.... So i've made it to chapter 5 i know it's short but the next one will deff. be longer. Anyways if you could vote and comment to tell me what you think of the story so far that would be awesome.....



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