Chapter 8 Angry Friends

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Chapter 8 Angry Friends

I was awoken the next morning to Chad talking to my stomach.

“Good morning little peanut, how are you this morning.” As if on cue my stomach grumbled. Chad grinned from ear to ear and let out a little chuckle. “Looks like somebody’s hungry.”

Chad scooted up and kissed me on the cheek. “What does mommy want to eat this morning?” he questioned.

“Hmmm, Mommy definitely wants some pancakes with strawberries on top.” I said.

Chad jumped up off the bed. “One order of strawberry pancakes coming right up.” He said as he walked out of the room.

Chad had been in such a good mood since yesterday’s doctor’s appointment. Last night when we had got home we didn’t even turn on the T.V. we just sat down on the couch and immediately started picking out baby names. This took a while because Chad was being super difficult with the names. Every time I mentioned a name he would shut it down, and find some reason not to like it. A smile came across my face remembering our playful arguments last night.

After about an hour of arguing we finally decided that if the baby is a girl were going to name her Addison Elise Brink. If the baby is a boy were going to name him Chad Dalton Brink, but were going to call him Dalton that away things don’t get confusing.

I got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I cold tell Chad had already taken his because the mirrors were still slightly fogged over. As I undressed I couldn’t help but to admire my stomach. To anybody else’s eyes you wouldn’t be able to tell. But I could see the slight bump starting to form in my lower abdomen. I put my hand on my stomach and sighed. “Can you believe it, in just 8 short months I’m going to be your mommy!” I said excitement clearly in my voice.

After my shower I headed downstairs the smell of pancakes coming strong from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and Chad was standing at the stove looking like an expert cook. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Those pancakes smell absolutely amazing.” I said.

“Good, because yours are already on the table.” He said.

I looked over and sure enough there was my breakfast. I rushed over and immediately started eating.

“Jeez, somebody was hungry.” Chad said while chuckling.

I blushed and then said. “Hey no fair, I’m feeding for two. So when I’m hungry, I”M HUNGRY!”

Chad busted up laughing and grabbed his plate and came over to eat with me. “So, what are we doing today?” He asked

“I don’t know, its Sunday what is there to do on a Sunday?” I asked

“Well, I was thinking maybe we could go look at baby stuff. Maybe we could go buy a crib today and start transforming the room I’ve been staying in into a nursery.”

“Oh that sounds fun, but we need to go in the next town over because I don’t want the kids at school to know I’m pregnant yet, I kind of want to keep that a secret as long as possible.” I said.

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