Chapter 11 Get Out

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Chapter 11 Get Out

“Mom I’m so glad your home.” I ran up and hugged her. I was going for the, I’m so glad your back please don’t yell at me route. But my mother was not going to let this one go. Mom was so mad that she wouldn’t even hug me back. “Would you care to explain why there is men’s clothing, which I can only guess is yours?” She said pointing to Chad “In your bedroom Mandy?”

“Actu……”I started to say but she cut me off.

“Or would you be so kind into also explaining why the bed in the guest bedroom had been replaced by a crib?” she said her eyes burning into me. I had never in all of my life seen my mother this upset.

“Get inside now!” she all but yelled at me. Cautiously I walked past her and into the house. Chad was following me but Mom put her hand out to block his path. “And as for you young man, you can just go on home to your parents. I’ll be taking care of my daughter from here on out.” She said to Chad with such disgust in her voice. I had never seen my mother this upset in my entire life.

“No I think I’ll actually stay ma’am.” Chad retorted.

“Like hell you will.” Mom screamed

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I am staying. I love that women in there, and I also love that child she is carrying. I will not let you go in there and rip her a new one without being there to pick up the pieces. See I’ve been the only family that girl has had for the last three months and I’m not about to walk out on her now.” Chad said while pushing past my mother and grabbing my hand.

I wasn’t even worried about getting yelled at anymore. I was just so happy that Chad had said he loved me.

If it was even possible my mother became angrier. “Mandy kitchen now!”

I followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table. “How could you do this to your family. We trusted you to stay by yourself and the first chance you get you run off and get yourself pregnant!”

Mom started pacing back and forth in front of the table. Chad reached over and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

“Your just……God……Mandy…….I just can’t believe you would degrade our family this way. What the hell were you thinking!” she said

This set me of. “Degrade your family!....Are you serious, I’m degrading your family? Mom you and dad are never home, and when you are it’s for a day at a time. Nobody in this town even knows who you are. So please tell me how I can degrade the family when you are a nobody!” I spat back at her.

“GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Go upstairs pack your bags and get out!” she yelled

A look of fright crossed my face. “Mom, what are you saying?” I asked

“I’m saying you are no longer welcome in my home. Get your shit and get out. I’ll be gone all day tomorrow so you can get the crib. If you don’t get it tomorrow you’ll never see it because I’m changing the locks tomorrow evening. I can’t have such a disappointment living under my roof. I’ll be calling the school and letting them know I’m no longer paying your tuition. So you can quit school or find somewhere else to go I really don’t care.” She said while walking out of the kitchen.

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