Chapter 13 Pickles and Chocolate Pudding

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Chapter 13 Pickles and Chocolate Pudding

“Mandy seriously, I told you not to lift anything over 15lbs.” Chad scolded me.

            “Chad I’m pregnant not helpless. Besides how am I going to help you move into our new home if I can’t lift anything over 15lbs. don’t worry, I can handle myself.” I retorted back.

            We had been arguing all the way over here about how much I could lift. I kept telling him that I was fine that the doctor said it was fine for me to help move stuff as long as I didn’t over extend myself. But he wasn’t budging he had told me that I was not aloud to lift anything over 15lbs which was nothing that we had loaded the car with.

            “Mandy you are 7 months pregnant, you don’t need to be lifting things like that. It could put stress on you and the baby. So please can’t you just listen to me for once.” He asked with puppy dog eyes.

            “If I can’t lift anything over 15lbs then that means that I can’t lift anything we packed. How am I supposed to help move into the house if you won’t let me help you.”

            “Listen, how about I move everything into the house and you can unpack everything.” He said with a smirk.

            “Ha, you’re not getting off that easy. You will help me unpack Mr. even if that means I have to beat you.” I said with a sly smile.

            He just chuckled and headed out to the moving van to grab more stuff. I went inside and started thinking about how I was going to decorate everything once we got settled in. The house was gorgeous the three bedrooms were spacious and there were two bathrooms.

            The bathroom that was connected to the Master Bedroom was completely amazing. It had this huge bathtub that I knew I was going to go soak in the minute that I could. I wasn’t aloud to go in the baby room anymore though because the minute we had signed the papers for the house Chad had the interior designer over here and decorating his/her room.

            Although I wanted to have the sex of the baby to be a surprise I really wanted to help do the room. I know I was just having the urge to “nest” because I was getting so close to my due date. Only three months to go. I was becoming more and more excited every day.

            I knew Chad was too because he couldn’t get out of bed in the mornings without talking to my tummy first. He was so in love with this baby.

            I don’t know how I ended up so lucky in this aspect but I did. I have the perfect boyfriend who is going to be the perfect father and I also have the most perfect home.

            The first day that we went shopping for the house I had bought a whole bunch of baby proofing stuff. I knew that we wouldn’t need it until the baby was crawling and walking but I figured we might as well get it now.

            I walked over to the first box to start unpacking and read what was inside. (BABY CLOTHES MANDY DON”T OPEN.) I couldn’t help but smile at his warning. He had been buying clothes since the day he found out the sex of the baby. He really was going to be a great daddy.

            I walked over to the next box and it read books. I couldn’t really put those away yet seeing as the bookshelves weren’t in here yet. So I walked to the next one and it read (Kitchen) I grabbed the box and headed to the kitchen not even think about the no over 15lb rule.

            “Mandy!” Chad shouted. He ran over and grabbed the box from me and took it to the kitchen. I couldn’t’ help but giggle.

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