Chapter One: Some Accidents Aren't So Happy

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This Chapter has been edited by crystalunicorn.

I will admit to you this story is not my best work. But if you want to read it go right ahead!

Chapter One: Some Accidents aren’t so happy

“Hey everybody look who’s here!” James yelled to everyone at the party as I walked in. “It’s Mandy!” he shouted my name and everyone cheered. It wasn’t that I was popular or anything, because believe me I was far from being popular. It was just James' way of greeting people at his parties. I remember the first party he threw, it was before freshmen year and his parents had gone out of town for the weekend. When I walked in the door he yelled the same exact thing, only then, I was very shy, so I panicked and ran out the door. I remember James running after me and telling me, apologetically, that that was how he greets everyone who comes to his parties. I felt like such a fool but James assured me that I wasn’t.

I had spent the last hour getting ready for this party; knowing that my best friend would say something about it. My long brown hair was hanging in waves down my back and I outlined my blue eyes with black eyeliner and tones of mascara. After a quick glance at the mirror to make sure I looked good, I headed out.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when someone with super cold hands grabbed my arm. I turned around ready to give the asshole or bitch a piece of my mind. Then I realized it was my best friend, Jess.

"I’ve been waiting hours for you to get here! What the hell took you so long!” she yelled. I could tell she was already wasted because her voice was an octave higher than normal. She always got a super high pitched voice when she was drunk. Sometimes I couldn’t even stand to be around her.

"Well, I'm sorry that some of us actually have a job that requires staying till 7! And did you forget I work with animals? Don't you think I needed some time to make myself look presentable?" I knew my reply was too rude and my tone filled with poison, but I knew she wouldn't care. Even though I only answer phone calls and hand off animals to their owners, but damn, it is a tiring job.

“Jeez, someone is a little grouchy (grumpy)!” she said with a smile

Ha, little did she know that that was an understatement. I grabbed a beer off the table and decided I was going to get freaking plastered tonight. On a normal basis, I wouldn’t even drink at all but what the hell it was the last party before senior year! Jess grabbed my arm again and started pulling so I would follow.

“C’mon Mandy, let’s freaking dance!” she shouted over the music.

“Really? You want me to dance when I only have one freaking beer in me? Are you freaking crazy?” I yelled, not sure whether she heard me over the loud music or not. Jess just laughed and pulled me into what was usually James’s living room but was transformed it into a dance floor. I grabbed another beer for good measures and headed out to the dance floor with my best friend grinding up on me the whole way.

About an hour and a half later, I was beyond drunk and grinding on some guy that I’m pretty sure I had never seen in my entire life. His name was Chad and damn was he fucking fine! He had the perfect body. I MEAN PERFECT! His hair was a military cut and was black. He had a goatee which made him even sexier. But his eyes……oh my God! His eyes were a greyish blue that would have any girl melting at his feet.

We were currently dancing to “We are Young” by Fun. Everyone was stumbling around; shouting out the lyrics. It was comical, I had my back pressed up against Chad’s chest and we were swaying to the music.

Chad leaned down to whisper something in my ear. “You want to go somewhere a little more private?”

He didn’t have to say anymore I grabbed his arm and dragged him outside towards the cars. “Which one’s yours?” I asked. He pointed to a car that was fairly close. It was a 2013 Ford Mustang GT. God, how in the hell could a teenager afford that, I wondered. He noticed me staring at the car in awe and answered my unspoken question. “Well honey, that’s for me to know and you never to find out.” He chuckled.

Chad opened up the passenger side and helped me into his car. It was even nicer on the inside. “Ok, show me the way.” He laughed again.

It didn’t take very long to make it to my two storey white house. I led Chad to the front door and just as I was shutting the door, his lips were on mine. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and looked him in the eyes. God, those things really melted my heart. "My room is up the stairs first door on the left." I said, panting as I crashed my lips back down to his. He started walking up the stairs. We made it halfway up before he pushed me up against the wall and was deepening the kiss, sending my nerves over the edge with electricity pumping through my veins. I licked his bottom lip and he opened up his mouth and soon enough our tongues were at war with each other.

He continued up the stairs never once breaking the kiss or acting like it was hard to carry me. He shut the door and pushed me up against it deepening the kiss even more. He pulled away from my lips and started kissing down my jaw and neck reaching my collar bone where he started to suck. I let out a small moan. Chad pulled me away from the door and brought us over to my queen size bed and laid me down gently.

I put my hand up his shirt and ran my fingers over his abs, making him groan against my mouth. Within minutes we were stripped down and naked. I couldn’t help but look at Chad’s man hood and think oh god that’s going to be way too freaking big. But I didn’t let myself freak out. I wrapped my hand around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him some more. Chad started kissing down my neck and then made it to my chest where he started sucking on my nipples. I let out an uncontrollable moan as he gently bit down on my nipple. He kissed his way down my stomach and stopped just before he made it to my underwear line and headed back up.

Chad reached down and positioned himself to where his penis was poking at my entrance. “Chad! Wait!” He backed up searching my eyes for something. “I’ve…’s just I’ve never done this before and I’m really scared,” I managed to choke out.

He gave me a small smile “Mandy, don’t worry, I’ll go super slow and I’ll do everything in my power not to hurt you. But I won’t lie to you it’s going to hurt at first okay?” I gave him a reassuring nod and with that he thrust into me. It was so excruciating that it made me cry out in pain. Chad leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I’m so sorry for hurting you but I promise it gets better.” I nodded again and he continued thrusting. Within minutes the pain gave away to nothing but pure pleasure.

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