Chapter 14 Why?

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(A/N) Okay guy’s your not going to like this chapter….sorry. Also I’m so sorry it took me forever to post this chapter and that It’s so short. I have been on vacation and haven’t had anytime to update any of my stories. Anyways hope you like it! J

Chapter 14 Why?

            The last three weeks had gone by so fast I didn’t realized it was already time for my seventh month check-up until Chad came into the bedroom that morning and told me it was time to get up.

            “Why, I don’t want to get up I’m too tired!!” I all but whined.

            “Mand, it’s time to get up we really need to get ready for the next doctors appointment.” He paused and then put a really stern face on. “Get up NOW!”

            The last few weeks Chad had become very distant with me. He was not as sweet as he had originally been. I mean he was still sweet but he was putting distance between us. I was starting to get worried so I had asked him about it a couple nights ago and he had said he was just a little depressed that it was nothing to worry about. That he wasn’t going to leave me.

            I know I sound paranoid but something wasn’t right with him. It was as if he was looking for reasons to get me to hate him. Doing things that he knew would drive me crazy, or getting mad at me for the littlest things. Like right now not getting out of bed, I could tell by the look on his face that he was not happy with me.

            I really didn’t know what to do I was beginning to wonder if he was thinking about leaving me. Which I had been stupid to think that this wouldn’t happen. I mean he is a rockstar who got a nobody pregnant at some random party. I should have braced myself for this but I read into him all wrong. I really thought he was different but these last few weeks have proved me wrong.

            It all started three weeks ago, he had left the house for about three hours discussing things with his band. Chad had come back in a bad mood and stayed in that same mood.

            “Chad what’s wrong, why have you been so snappy with me these last few weeks.” I asked tears brimming at the edges of my eyes.

            A look of hurt came across his face for a split second and then was gone. Masked over with that stern look I had grown accustomed to these last few weeks. “Mandy, please do not start this freaking conversation again. Just get up and get in the shower, I’m not going to ask you again.”

            I got up turning away from him as the tears fell from my eyes. I liked to think that he didn’t know he was hurting me but I knew he knew. And yet he continued to hurt me.

            The shower seemed to ease some of the hurt that he had just afflicted on me. But it didn’t take it all away. I didn’t want to loose Chad, he was all I had my mother had kicked me out and changed the locks. I mean for Christ’s sake we had just bought a house together. If he broke up with me or left me what was I going to do. I had no where to go his child and I were going to be homeless.

            I walked out into the bedroom and put on some loose fitting pants and a t-shirt. My stomach was beyond big now. I didn’t even like to look at my self in the mirror that’s how big I had become. Every time I mentioned this to Chad he would say and I quote ‘Mandy quit worrying about how you freaking look. Your pregnant you’re supposed to be fat.’ That was the worst comment he had made towards me. I had not talked to him for three days after that comment. I even made him sleep on the couch until he apologized.

            I finally made it to the kitchen after what seemed like forever because I was moving so slow now. I noticed that he had set a bowl of cut up fruit at my normal spot at the table. But he was no where in sight. He hadn’t eaten breakfast with me for like a week now.

            I let a sigh escape my lips and then started eating my food. I got up after I was finished I put my bowl in the dishwasher and headed to the living room where I knew he would be.

            “Okay, I’m ready to go when you are.” I said quietly. I didn’t want him to see how hurt I was.

            It took us thirty minutes to get to the doctor and he hadn’t said two words to me. We walked into the office and was directed straight back to the doctor. The doctor did the normal check up and then told us that they would like to see me once a week now since I was getting so close to popping.

            As I waddled my way out to the car I glanced back at Chad and he had tears in his eye’s and was looking at me like it fiscally hurt for him to look at me.

            “Chad baby, what’s wrong.” I asked as I got in the car.

            “Mandy, I want to go on the record and say that this was not my idea, I wanted no part of what I’m about to tell you.” He said in between sobs.

            I reached over and put my hand on his shoulder. “Chad what ever it is you can just tell me. Is this why you have been so rude to me the past few weeks?” I asked.

            “Yes, I was trying to get you to hate me because I thought it would be easier this way. But now I’m not so sure. All I’ve done is hurt both you and me in the process.”

            “Just tell me what’s wrong Chad.”

            “Well, the band is making me go on tour. Which means I won’t be here for the baby’s birth or for the first two months of his or her life?” The tears were falling from his eyes like a water fall now.

            I reached over and put a hand on his shoulder. “When do you leave?” I asked


            “WHAT!”  I screamed he cringed at the tone of my voice. “Are you serious you wait until the day before to tell me you’re leaving. I would have been okay with it if you had told me the day you found out. I love you Chad and just knowing that you are scared to tell me something like this just pisses me off.”

            “Mandy, I’m so sorry. I just didn’t know how to tell you with out upsetting you.”

            “Oh so you resort to telling me I’m supposed to be fat and saying hurtful things to me. Also totally cutting yourself off from me. I mean it’s not like you would have been leaving me forever it was just going to be a few months Chad.” I paused and took in a deep breath to try and calm myself down. “Do you know how much I have cried the last three weeks? I seriously thought you were leaving me for good not for a few months.”

            “Mandy, I am leaving you I can’t do this. I can’t be a good father and be on tour. I’ve decided I am going to let you keep the house and I’m going to send you money every week to help you pay for the expenses of you and the baby. I want you to know that I will always love you and that I will always love our baby. But I just can’t be here for the both of you.” He said not even looking me in the eye.

            “Just take me home. I can’t believe the words that just came out of your mouth and I don’t want to speak to you ever again. Do you hear me, don’t try to text or call me after you leave tomorrow. And as soon as I can I will move out of the house and I will provide a home for myself and MY baby.” I emphasized the “my”.

            We drove home in silence and Chad didn’t even come into the house with me when we got home. He just dropped me off and left and I didn’t see him after that.

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