Chapter 16 Forgiveness

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Chapter 16 Forgiveness  

I was two day's past my due date, and needless to say very bitchy. I was ready to pop this kid out now! I had been walking the last three day's pacing the house trying to induce labor but the baby just wasn't ready to come out.  

My belly was huge; I swear it looked like I was carrying triplet's that's how big I was. I felt disgusting I swear walking from the kitchen to the couch broke me out in a drenching sweat. Better yet, I wasn't sleeping my belly had gotten so big and the baby was having a hard time moving around that it was restless which was making me restless.  

I still hadn't forgiven Chad, I just wasn't ready to. He even took time off from the band just in case something happened he was only a few miles away. He was number one on my speed dial. We had been talking though, and he was trying everything possible to make me see that he would never leave me again.  

Chad had taken me out on dates even though all we got were discriminating stares. I mean is it so hard to freaking believe that I got knocked up at a young age. Shit happens, maybe it didn't happen to you but it happened to me and I'm okay with it so why don't you move on with your own damn life. 

I hadn't moved from the couch in three days besides the occasional bathroom and food breaks. It was easier to sleep on the couch than the bed. But it was harder to get up off the couch than it was out of the bed.  

I had grown accustom to living by myself, it was always so peaceful and I knew I needed to swallow what peace I could now because after the baby was born I wouldn't have any peace at all.  

I decided a nap was in order so I rolled over and rested my head against the back of the couch and wrapped my belly in a cocoon of arms. I couldn't wait for my happy accident to show his or hers pretty little face. I loved the baby so much. It had become a part of me over the last nine months and even though I was ready to not be pregnant anymore, I knew I would miss that feeling of the baby kicking. Or watching his or hers foot go across my belly. 

It wasn't long and I was out, I was dreaming of what the baby would look like. It was a little baby boy crying in my arms at the hospital and me with a huge grin on my face. The baby boy was absolutely perfect. He had Chad's eyes and my face shape. His cheeks were so fat you couldn't help but smile and talk to him.  

The baby had Chad's nice skin town and same color hair. And even though he was a fat baby he was so small. So small and just perfect, but what mother doesn't think that there baby is the most perfect baby in the whole world. Because to that mother that baby is the best thing God could have ever given to them.  

I woke up about three hours later and was starved. I was craving a huge salad. I don't know why but the last three weeks that was all I wanted. Since I couldn't get out of the house because I didn't have a car and even if I did I couldn't fit behind the wheel, Chad had been bringing me all of my food supplies. Which literally consisted of a bag of salad chopped carrots and ranch dressing. I was living off of this stuff.  

As I walked into the kitchen my lower back started hurting, what I wouldn't do for a back massage right now. I decided that I would call Chad later tonight and make him come over and give me one. After all he was the father so it was the least he could do.  

I was making me salad when I got a sharp pain in my lower stomach it hurt so bad it had me bent over and gripping the counter. It was probably just another Braxton Hicks contraction. I had been having those more and more the closer I got to my due date. Once the contraction passed I finished making my salad and headed to the living room to chow down.  

45 minutes later and I had already had four Braxton Hicks contractions and two bowls of salad. I decided I would call Chad and see if he wanted to come over and watch a movie here in a little bit and then give me a well needed back massage.  

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