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Ethan and Wesley are at the airport when Lukas and I depart the plane. I smile, walking over to Ethan and hugging him tightly. I really missed this goofball, even though we talked every day.

"I'm gonna let you go home, unpack, and rest. But I'll pick you up at noon, okay?"

I smile. "Okay."

He kisses my cheek, causing my smile to widen. This boy is just pure innocent and amazing. Ethan makes me so happy, and I'm glad he came into my life.

"Hey dude." Ethan says to Lukas.

"Hey Ethan." Lukas chirps, connected at the arm with Wesley.

We all walk down the airport, to the exit, both of us couples hand-in-hand.

We climb into Ethan's Jeep, and he drives us home. "See you in a few hours, baby girl. I'll text you when I'm ready to leave and you can lemme know whether you are up to it or not." He says softly, kissing my forehead.

I smile. He's so kind, gentle, and caring, I adore him so much.

"I will, see ya Eth. Bye Wes."

Wesley waves and he kisses my brother on the cheek. They're cute, super friggin cute.


I climb into the Jeep. Ethan greets me with a goofy grin. "Hey you." I giggle.

"Hey you." He replies in a sing-song voice.

I smile like a fool. "You're so adorable, Ethan."

He blushes, looking away quickly. "I'm supposed to say that to you...not the other way around."

I giggle softly. "Well at least I'm not lying."

He looks at me. "You're beautiful, Layla."

I smile, blushing.

Ethan smiles proudly. "Yes!"

We both laugh and he drives off. We arrive at a pizzeria. When we get out, he opens the pizzeria door for me. I smile, thanking him before walking through. I smile, taking in the beautiful stench of pizza and bread sticks. Ethan walks in behind him, wrapping his arm around my waist. I look up and smile at him.

We walk in. "What would you like, Layla?" Ethan asks softly.

"Hm...I would like a...Hawaiian pizza, please." I smile up at him again.

"Alright. What size do you desire?"

"What?" I laugh. "Aren't we going to share a pizza?"

He looks at me strangely. "Layla, this may be a date. But, I do not share pizza." Ethan looks up. "What size, babe?"

"Small?" I answer weirdly confused, but laughing anyway.

It was after our pizzas arrived did I understand his silliness. Ethan ate his whole damn pizza, and yet I could only eat two slices. I ended up snapping the cutest picture of him ever.

After pizza, we walked around the park.

"Well, look who it is!" Shouts an all too familiar voice.

One I despise. Yet, I see Ethan fears.

"What do you want, you scumbag!?" I turn and look at the bastard.

"What? Ethan's too weak he cannot face me. Again, you come to the save. How many times is that now?"

"Nobody asked you, Daniel."

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