Part4: I Fell In Love

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Part4: I Fell In Love

(A/N) sorry I haven't updated in a long time. but I would like to thank every single one of you readers! Thank You All!

And remember this part is about the massage 😏


Zayn's POV

"I'll go get some lotion." I said with a smirk, I was going to enjoy this.

"Umm o-ok." Liam replayed in a nervous tone.

I could tell he was stressed and actually I think all of us were a bit stressed with our album release and getting ready for our tour.

I grabbed the lotion bottle that I had found in the bathroom then walked back into Liam's room to find him laying on his stomach, as before, but now he had the blankets pushed to one side of the bed and the pillows by his head.

I crawled onto the bed and popped the bottle open and straddled his hips. I poured the cold liquid into my hand then rubbed my hands together, trying to get it warm. I placed my hands on his shoulders applying a light amount of pressure.

I felt him shiver at my cool touch and his skin was now covered in goosebumps.

I moved my hands around the tops of his shoulders applying more pressure now. Liam let out a breath as I pressed harder into his shoulder blades.

Then I decided to take in the view of his beautiful, muscular back. I moved my hands with my eyes, down his back adding more weight has I went. He moaned in unison with the applied force of my hands onto his back. My lower region bulged as I listen to him breathe in and out as I continued.

I don't know how I have contained myself this long. I felt like I needed to get my emotions out soon because Liam was just brilliant (brilLIAM hehehe call me a carrot and dip me in ranch but I couldn't help it sorry). He was funny and sweet. His smile could brighten anyones day. And he always new how to cheer me up when I was sad. I knew I would love Liam from the moment I met him on the X-Factor, along with the other boys. He was just that kind of person to make you feel wanted just when you thought no one even knew you existed.

Liam's POV

Zayn was really good at this. I was beginning to feel relaxed already. I accidentally moaned a few times and I hoped he didn't notice. But he was so gentle yet forceful. It was amazing. (amaZAYN hehe call me a carrot lol)

I felt myself get a bit turned on at how Zayn moved his hands so skillfully.

I wondered if Zayn felt the same and pondered on the thought of making a risky move.....

But Zayn bet me to it. Thank God.

He had his hands on my waist and was leaning his lips to my ear.

"Can I tell you something?" he questioned, with a glint of hope in his voice.

"Y-yyeah of c-course anything." I replied, nervously wishing he was on the same subject as I was.

"I think I have fallen in love with you, Li." he replied with a loving yet seductive voice but really any tone Zayn speaks in is seductive without him even trying (am I right ladies or am I right and guys if there are any in the audience:)).

I couldn't hold back the bright, huge smile that has now spread across my face! I had kinda been waiting for something great (hehehe see what I did there ;)) to happen between us but I was never sure of my feelings, that is, until now.

And it was then that I realized that I truly had fallen for him too. All those times together on the X-Factor just having fun like a bunch of kids. How much he smiled, how beautiful his smile was, how he advised us on things, and how he would slowly open up to us. I know the real Zayn. How funny and goofy he could be at times then how serious and truly helpful he could be...

"I have fallen in love with you too, Z." I said as I turned onto my back so that I was face to face with him.

Then I saw that beautiful smile of his. I couldn't keep from pushing myself up onto my elbows and leaning my neck up so that our lips met.

I kissed him with all the passion I had in me, all the love that I didn't know I had been holding back.

The way our lips moved together were like the way waves moved on the shoreline; as rough as all of the wave's great, powerful force bashing onto the peaceful shore yet soft as when the water reseated but into the endless ocean...

Our lips danced gracefully like dolphins in a sea of blue and green yet hungrily and lustfully like ravaging dogs fighting over a fresh piece of meat.

Zayn's POV (again)

I slid my tongue on his bottom lip, such as my tongue was looking for a place to explore, a wild adventure full of lust and passion. He opened his mouth wider and I let myself in. We both now adventured through each other.

My legs still straddled his lower self and my arms were around his body as his were around my neck.

I pulled myself away from our kiss and Liam whined in sync with my actions. I then tilted my head to the side to leave my marks on his precious clean skin. He let out a moan as I began to suck a spot right under his jaw line, I continued my work faster now since it seemed to please him so much. He leaned his head back to expose more of his neck to me as I commenced to work on my masterpiece once again.

"God!... I l-llove you Z-z!" He moaned as I trailed sloppy kisses down his totally ripped abs then back up to his razor-edge jaw line.

"I love you too, Li" I whispered in his ear before I went back to his mouth.


So how was that one? Did you all like it? Is there anything I need to improve on? Are there any mistakes? Are my recent chapters/parts good? Please comment.



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