4 | ending scene

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a/n; i just want to say that this is my favourite chapter out of all baekyeon stories i've written (only 2 but you get me askdnkqhn) 

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Have you ever loved someone so dearly that everything else doesn't matter?

Byun Baekhyun stands slouched, features etched with indifference as he listens to the reality show's producers drone on and on about filming procedures, precautions, and everything that he really doesn't wish to hear. Not as if he really absorbed any information, anyway. His gaze is trained on the only female in the room, knowing damn well that Kim Taeyeon is squirming uncomfortably under his burning glare, but he doesn't look away.

Have you ever loved someone so dearly that everything else doesn't matter?  

And it is at that moment, when Baekhyun imagines tracing her snow skin features, tucking that strand of stray chestnut brown hair behind her ear, interlock his slender fingers with her warm ones, that he realizes — yes. Yes, he has. There can never be someone as important as she is; no one can ever replace that special spot she unknowingly claimed in the innermost corners of his heart.


He looks away and meets gazes with the producer. Sighing, the latter repeats his instructions and Baekhyun simply nods obediently. Every single cell in him is feeling rebellious, but he manages to suppress his irritation.

Without his and Taeyeon's consents, the CEO had accepted an offer by an infamous media company to send the both of them on a 'healing trip' (what the CEO had called it, acting as if he had absolutely nothing to do with their breakup) a week later since both individuals had no planned schedules. The smug guy had sat in his leather chair, legs crossed, grinning as he revealed that he's still going to go ahead with the SM station project, and that this outing to the countryside would be beneficial for the pair. Spend time with each other to reconcile, something like that.

What utter bullshit, Baekhyun had thought. He just wants the damn money.

Hence, both vocalists find themselves attending a meeting at the SM headquarters with the reality show's producer and staff. It's been hours but they still haven't come up with a sound conclusion to wrap things up. Or, rather, they find it impossible when it comes to finalizing the script. According to the rough draft, as from what Baekhyun heard, both him and Taeyeon are supposed to be happy and carefree throughout the entire trip. A whole bunch of fake scripted happenings that he can't help but silently scoff at.

How the hell do they even expect that to happen? He can't help but think. 

When the clock strikes half past 3 in the afternoon, the team is still deep in discussion. With an intense hunger clouding his mind, Baekhyun finally stands as he spots Taeyeon come back from a toilet break. In a swift motion, he grabs her wrist and pulls the startled girl with him, arriving in front of the production team with a glare that can possibly kill.

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