9 | lyon

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a/n; a double update in a day so make sure you've read the chapter before this!! :")

also, just a forewarning that this is a whopping 4.8k words idek why i do this to myself but i just didn't feel like splitting it otl (i've already split the previous chapter from this or it'll be freaking 6k+ words in total) 

Taeyeon spends a full one hour being all fidgety in her seat, the silence morphing into an uncomfortable one as soon as her adrenaline has worn off

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Taeyeon spends a full one hour being all fidgety in her seat, the silence morphing into an uncomfortable one as soon as her adrenaline has worn off. 

Beside her, Baekhyun has finally overcome the shock (well, she hopes) and is leaning back into his seat again, eyes shut and legs sprawled out in a comfortable position. A stark contrast to Taeyeon who is constantly crossing and uncrossing her ankles, fingers exploring the buttons on her black leather backpack. 

Just as she thinks he has fallen asleep, he speaks up in a much quieter voice than before.

"Did you really just bring a bag? To Lyon? Just so we can discuss about a song?"

"... Yeah." Taeyeon mumbles, suddenly ashamed of herself. What was she thinking of? She can only thank the heavens for being free of schedules for one whole week. Speaking of schedules, she's just plain hoping that Junghyun wouldn't skin her alive when she heads back to Korea.

A sigh is heard from her right and Taeyeon turns to find Baekhyun sitting upright and staring at her, as if silently reprimanding her with his eyes. 

She's prepared for a lecture from him, but when seconds pass with that standstill between them, his gaze gradually softens. And Taeyeon sure as hell didn't expect the next few words to tumble from his mouth with utmost sincerity and a blanket of warmth so soft and endearing. 

"... Thank you. Thank you for coming with me.

Silence. Fallen breaths. Pounding hearts.

— ❆ —

The air of awkwardness fades into nothingness as hours go by. With a long hiatus in their relationship, they aren't exactly acting as close as they used to be, but a small start is enough to ignite the flame in Taeyeon once again.

The flames she had been ready to douse, are now licking hungrily at her heart again. 

After a grueling 14 hours of flight, they finally land in Lyon, the City of Light. Only a few staff members have followed Baekhyun along in order to not attract attention. All of them are equally surprised at Taeyeon's appearance, and the knowing grins on their faces are enough for her cheeks to blossom faintly in red. 

As soon as they are out of the airport, Taeyeon looks around while they wait for their ride to arrive. She spots Baekhyun standing all alone by the side, hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his coat as he looks on at the city before them. It's nighttime here, and the faraway lights seem so mythical and entrancing even she finds it hard to look away. Baekhyun has briefly talked about Lyon before, right after he returned from shooting that particular scene for the exo pathcode teasers, but Taeyeon isn't aware of how much he loves the city of light.

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