I Knew You Were Trouble

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'Once Upon a Time.... A Few Mistakes Ago'

Once upon a time.... Summer and I had been friends. It was one summer, the year before Shae came into the picture and the infamous trio was born and Clary had gone away to camp. I had no one to spend my entire summer with and so I had spent nearly every day with Summer. 

It was the summer before 8th grade, and it wasn't just the 2 of us. Kyle and his best friend Ryder spent a lot of time with us too and that was when my little simple crush turned into what it was now. I was as smitten as a love sick kitten. 

Summer and I that summer told each other everything. She knew I had liked Kyle and she told me she was crushing on Ryder it was perfect we were so excited. 

But soon Ryder started changing, he became more rude and arrogant towards me and I had no idea why. It was around the time when my crush to Kyle became more obvious and I dressed up more to impress him Summer taught me how to put on makeup and I dressed more girly then usual. 

Ever sine then the Ryder I had once known was changed permanently into the rude, self absorbed, arrogant jerk face. 

He had moved away to Florida though in grade 9 and I hadn't seen him since... Until now. 

I coudn't believe the fact that he was coming back. Why? After I had stormed up to my room and confirmed it on Facebook that the jerk was in fact coming back, my dad came up to my room and told me when he was going to be arriving... tomorrow. 

The same night as my sleepover that I would now have to cancel; dads orders. So I texted the girls saying I was going to have to cancel due to a 'family friend' and they said it was fine of course. 

After that I laid down on my queen sized bed and stared at the ceiling where I had stuck a picture of a collage of all my favourite and inspirational lyrics. 

I couldn't believe this was happening.... why of all people did he have to come back? 

Why him? 


The next morning when I woke up I dressed in blue navy skinny jeans, chestnut riding boots, a light orange knit sweater and a beige halo scarf. I left my hair in it's loose waves and left my house. 

As usual Shae picked me up and as I climbed in I immediately blurted out who was going to stay with us. 

"WHAT!" Shae shrieked "Ryder Jackson... the Ryder Jackson is going to be living with you?" 

I nodded my head mumbling a yes as Shae said she was jealous "How are you jealous?" I asked in confusion "This is Ryder Jackson we're talking about biggest jerk face on the freaking planet." 

"I heard he was coming back too." Shae said completely ignoring me "God you are so lucky." 

I rolled my brown eyes as we pulled into the schools parking lot "If he throws a party I'm gonna kill him." 

"Well if you're never gonna throw a party in that killer house he may as well do it." Shae said as we got out of the car. 

I shot her a glare only to have her laugh at me as we continued on our walk to the school, as always everyone walking in looked similar to the normal High School morning zombie's on a Friday morning. 

"So you do realize that since Ryder is going to living with you you're gonna have a ton of more people at your house then normal and I mean every night. Ryder's status is already high and he's not even here yet." 

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