I'll Stand By You

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"I'll stand by you"

"One, two, three..." I counted as Ryder and I moved swiftly across the tiled kitchen floor as I'll Stand by You played through my phone. In exactly 2 days Founders Day anniversary would be taking place and my dad had been home maybe 2 hours in the past week. He was going crazy with details concerning the celebration and honestly I was find of happy he wasn't home because stressed out dad equals a stressed out me. "One, two, three." I continued a smile growing on my face and then as the song neared the end Ryder lifted me up and spun me around slowly before finally setting me down just as the song hit the last note. 

I grinned at him for a moment before spinning around and muting the song "That was good, I think we have a pretty good chance for it." 

Ryder nodded his head before he sat down "That's good." He said he pulled out his phone and began scrolling through something. I shrugged realizing I had lost his attention and started upstairs, it was around 8:30 at night and we had spent most of our Friday apart with school and the fact that Clary and I had hung out at her parents restaurant after school while Ryder was here, alone. 

The fact that the Founders Day Pageant was just days away I was becoming more anxious then ever, tomorrow Ryder and I would have to go to the country club where the celebration was taking place for a quick run through on all that was happening. The gossip rate in our school as well was higher then ever with the talk of the anniversary on every ones minds. Of course Summer Willows and her escort Kyle were shoe ins for the crowns and they all thought it was weird how I was suddenly the talk as well. Now people suddenly knew who I, Clary, Shae and our new found sister in Rhi were well known and popular all through the school people were saying that even I had a chance, and a good one too. 

Not that I cared. 

Rhi, Clary, and Shae all had jobs for the celebration. Rhi was the DJ for the night along with her older brother, Clary's family was the catering service for the night, and Shae was our MC for the pageant. And then of course there was me. 

As I entered my room I walked straight towards my walk-in and went to the back where the bag with my dress was in. I took a shakey breath as I unzipped it and peered in, I had to admit that yeah.... Shae made a good choice. 

The dress was gorgeous and when I had tried it on the colour seemed to make my skin tone stand out making it look gorgeous. Shae had also thankfully allowed me to borrow her nude ballet flats for the night so I wouldn't have to worry about heels which surely would have been the cause for my fall in front of the entire town. 

I sighed, leaving my closet and hopping onto my bed. I opened up my lap top and went right onto Facebook. Over the last few weeks like I said my popularity had risen drastically thanks to Ryder and Lucas, even Clary and Shae were experiencing it all. It was honestly... weird. 

People went out of their way just to say a simple hi in the hallways to me, and they practically freaked out if I dropped a pen or pencil and they got to pick it up for me. Popularity was weird. 

After a few more hours of browsing through my Facebook, instagram and spending endless amounts of time snap chatting with Rhi I finally changed into my pajamas and drifted off into a calm and dreamless sleep. 

Knock, knock, knock 

I groaned loudly rolling over in my bed as I forced my eyes to open as the knocking continued. "What?" I mumbled into my pillow loud enough for whoever it was to hear. 

"Are you awake?" Ryder's voice asked from the other said as I heard the door open. 


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