Here's To Us

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Brand new trailer to the side! Thanks again to Ari_Forev for making it!!!

"Here's to us, here's to love, all the times where we messed up" 

I felt like I was going to throw up with excitement. To much information? This was the day every teenage girl dreams about for four years--It's the day second best to your wedding day, the day where you get to dress up however you want and have a wonderful night out with all your favourite people. My legs were bouncing and I hadn't slept in two days, I was way to pumped. 

Because, tonight was prom night. 

On Friday - which was the night for prom just about everyone stays home, with the exception of the prom committee of course. But luckily all we had to do was double check everything was up for tonight. Which luckily it was (Thank god).

After that, Clary, Shae and I went to Shae's house where we we were to get ready. It was a tradition to go to Shae's house for prom or homecoming nights, her mom always insisted for Mr. Carter who was a skilled photographer to take our pictures and she always makes the best banana bread for when we're getting ready. 

"I really think the half up look would look good with your dress Nessie." Shae explained to me as we were scattered across her bedroom floor flipping through numerous magazines for what to do tonight with our appearance. "And Clary we can like pin your hair--one one side, back and do like a partial smokey eye...." 

"Okay, sounds good." Clary and I agreed. As always, it was always best to agree with Shae when it came to these things. 

We began to get ready, doing nails, hair, makeup... We did Shae's hair up into a low side bun that was over her right shoulder and did a smokey eye look that matched her white one shoulder dress with black sparkly heels. 

As we all got dressed I couldn't help but let the excitement continue to brew in my stomach. Ryder and I had yet to actually go do something and act like a real couple, and I was so happy that we would get to do it on prom night.  

With graduation now officially days away though for the majority of my days I was consumed with nervousness, I wasn't good with cap and gown events. 

"Clar, can you zip me up?" I asked as I turned my back towards her. I felt her move the zipper up slowly before she let out a loud sigh. 

"Guys.... I need to talk to you about something." 

Shae who was admiring herself in her big heart shaped mirror spun around nearly dropping her open mascara bottle on the ground and I glanced over at Clary with raised eyebrows. 

"What's up?" 

Clary moved over and sat on Shae's bed before she slid her ring that I had only just noticed she was wearing now and set it on her lap. "This." She said motioning to it. 

"What's wrong with it?" Shae asked her eyes wide "It's gorgeous it looks like the ring Kate Middleton and Dianna wore!" 

"I know." Clary said dryly as she crossed her arms glumly "It's an exact replica.... Jared gave it to me." 

"How the frig did Jared pay for it?" I asked as I moved towards Clary before taking the ring in my grasp to examine it. "Do you have any idea how expensive this would be?" 

"I know how expensive the ring is... He gave it to me as a-a promise ring." 

I let a gasp escape my lips as Shae dropped the shoe she was putting on to the floor. "WHAT?" We shrieked. 

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