Hot n Cold

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"Cause you're hot then you're cold" 

"Hey." I said as I hopped into the kitchen Sunday morning, joining Ryder who was seated at the island on his laptop. "I was going to go for a jog... did you wanna come with?" I asked. 

He looked up noticing my shorts, runners, and tank top but to my surprise he shook his head "I'll pass, Sunday's my sleep day usually... Shae called earlier by the way, apparently she's going shopping for you're Founders Day dress today." 

I nodded my head as I walked to where my phone was charging and plugged my head phones in "Yeah, Clary and I refuse to go shopping with her. She literally spends 3 hours in one store, so I just gave her my opinion on what I want for my dress which really was just no heels and let her go." 

Ryder chuckled nodding his head "Oh and I was talking to Kyle about our Romeo and Juliet..." 

I nodded my head the tension growing suddenly thick in the air "What about it?" 

"Well, apparently Summer has been really stressed out lately with everything and so... he and Fi are kinda booked out..." 

"So how are we going to finish it?" I asked. "I mean we have like 3 quarters!" 

"Serafina said we could just end it there, it would be easier for you anyway I know you were feeling kind of awkward with the kiss and all..." 

I nodded my head feeling even more awkward "Yeah... yeah I guess we can end it there." 

I looked up to see Ryder suddenly clenching his jaw but nodded curtly at me "Fine." He said his voice suddenly very cold "Go on you're run." 

I was taken aback, staring at him not even bothering to hide the hurt that was appearing on my face as he stood up and walked out of the kitchen and away from me. "Okay then." I mumbled even though I knew he was much to far away to hear me now. I put my ear buds in and slid my phone into the pockets of my shorts and headed out as Katy Perry's Hot n Cold blared into my ears and the words spoke a thousand meanings to me. 

Cause you're hot and you're cold 
You're yes and you're no 
you're in then you're out 
You're up and you're down... 

This song seemed to sound just like Ryder, Ryder and his stupid and sudden mood swings. I didn't understand why he was suddenly so cold with me, had I done something to him? I thought that we were finally friends so why was he seeming so.... so distant? 

"VANESSA!" I heard someone yell behind me loud enough for me to hear through my music. I tore my head phones out and spun around to see Kyle Mathews walking down his front porch towards me "I've been calling you for a few minutes.... I didn't realize you're head phones were in." 

"Oh." I said smiling slightly, I hadn't realized I had turned onto his street. "Sorry." 

"It's fine, what song were you listening to?" 

I held my ear bud close and noticed the song had changed to my one of my favourites that wasn't by Queen or The Beatles. "Secrets." I answered "By One Republic." 

"Oh I love that one." Kyle said making his way towards me "So how are you? I haven't really talked to you alone for awhile..." 

"I'm fine." I said slowly, since when did Kyle and I like.... talk? "You?" 

"I'm okay, hows uh... hows life living with Ryder?" 

I shrugged my shoulders "Better then I thought, he's changed from when we were younger.... he's better. Hey!" I said suddenly coming up with an idea "You've known Ryder for like, ever right?" 

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