Ch.6- The Truth Hurts

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   When Emily got home it was about 6pm. She stayed out longer than she intended to and she knew that the blonde haired beauty waiting for her was most likely seething. After she figured out who that call was from they talked a little bit and made plans to catch up.

  She wasn't doing anything wrong, right? It was just two old friends getting coffee together. Of course Alison wouldn't see it that way.

But after that, believe it or not, Emily went to the school just to make sure she wasn't overreacting and if there really was a meeting today. To her disappointment, there wasn't.

  "Where have you been?" Alison asked the brunette who walked into their shared home. Emily shut the door and hung her keys up before turning to face her with a small sigh.

  "With my mom", Emily replied simply before walking into the kitchen.

  Alison wasn't dumb. And Emily knew that. "I called your mom Em. She said she was at an interview and that you left her house around 2 which is the time you texted me."

  Was she a detective or something?

"I just...took a walk", Emily said trying to keep her voice calm. She didn't necessarily feel like fighting tonight. "To clear my head. Is that such a crime?"

"When I'm calling and texting you and you aren't answering? Yes it is. I was worried", Alison told her as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Emily wanted to be upset with Alison because she was kind of being a hypocrite at this moment. But she saw the look in her eyes and knew the worry and fear that took a hold of them, weren't fake. She walked up to the blonde and wrapped her in her arms.

"I'm sorry", She said into her hair. "I should've told you where I was."

"I don't mean to be so clingy but-"

"It's okay to check up on each other right?" Emily asked, interrupting the girl.

Alison smiled softly. "Yeah."

Once they separated, the room grew silent as Emily contemplated her next action. She looked at Alison and she seemed uneasy. It was defiantly time to bring her actions up. "Can we actually talk for a sec?" Emily asked.

"What's the matter?" Alison questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"That's the thing", Emily said. "I don't know."

"I-I'm not following", Alison stuttered.

Emily sighed."We're a team. Right?"

"Of course Emily."

"And teams work together right?"


Emily sat down at the kitchen counter as she continued, "That means, in order for teams to work together, there can't be any secrets between them."

"What are you getting at?" Alison finally asked feeling her walls come up.

"You can talk to me Ali", Emily stressed. "About anything. You know that."

  "I do. So why are you interrogating me?"

  "I'm not, I'm just-I feel like I can't get through to you"

  Alison pushed her hair back with both of her hands and shook her head. "I don't get it. What am I doing wrong?"

  "You lied to me today", Emily stated. Alison furrowed her eyebrows but then almost as if realization set in, she said, "I'm sorry."

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