Ch.8- Broken Promises

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"Em", Alison called to the brunette who hastily stormed into their house. She's been on a mission ever since they left the coffee shop and Alison honestly couldn't blame her.

"Emily", The blonde resorted to a little more sternly. Emily sighed and turned to faced the girl. "I'm sorry. I'm just-"

"Don't apologize", Ali interrupted softly. "I'm upset too. We'll find everything, don't worry."

Emily groaned. " don't understand the problem Ali."

Alison huffed before walking over to the couch, Emily lingering behind. "Trust me I do. I'd die if I lost my credit card or ID. And now Samara and Lorenzo could possibly know where we liv-"

  "Alison", Emily said loudly enough for the blonde to stop her rambling. "My credit card, my ID-those items are the last things on my mind right now."

"But I don't under-"

"My vows", Emily finally said. She knew the blonde would be confused so she sighed and continued, "I wrote some ideas down on paper and the safest place to hide them...was my wallet because we never go through each other's things without asking."

Alison heard everything the brunette just said but her mind was still on the fact that Emily started writing her vows. "Vows?" She repeated.


"You already started writing yours", Alison swooned but then reality came crashing down.

The brunette threw herself onto the couch and placed her head in her hands with a muffled groan. "They're gone now. So it's not like it matters anymore."

Alison almost got choked up at the sight of her fiancé's emotional state. "How about you call Samara and make a deal or something."

Emily shook her head and shrugged. "There's no use. By now, knowing her and her jealous antics, she's probably already torn them up."

"She has no right to be jealous", Alison exclaimed, getting upset with the entirety of the situation. She sat down next to Emily and quietly said, "We're the ones getting married in this equation."

Emily nodded and threw her head black to lean against the back of the couch. "I was hoping we'd make it to the wedding with no drama involved."

"Our lives are soap operas themselves, and now that they're intertwined? It'll be a rollercoaster", Alison said it she couldn't help but to smile.

"Well I guess I'm glad we're on this one together", Emily replied.

"Cheesy", The blonde smiled before chastely kissing her on the lips. Once they pulled away, Emily rolled her eyes. "Shut up, you love it."

"I do", Ali confirmed with a shy smile. A couple of seconds rolled by and she asked, "So where do we go from here?"

"You're right", Emily suddenly agreed. "I should call her, maybe set up a meeting, act all nonchalant about everything. And that's when I'll corner her."

"And then?" Alison asked curiously.

Emily scooted up to the edge of the couch in thought. She sighed, "I'm contemplating."

Alison squinted her eyes as she watched the brunette carefully. "Maybe I should go with you. Just to stop you from ending up in jail."

"I won't do anything crazy babe, I promise", Emily said rolling her eyes playfully.

"So you're okay with meeting her by yourself?" Alison asked trying to get clarification.

Emily cocked her head to the side before asking "As long as you're okay with going down to the station and figuring out what's going on with Randy by yourself."

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