Ch.5- True Lies

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   Emily didn't know what to feel exactly. She was relieved that Randy's father was alive and well to take care of his son but at the same time, she knew what this meant. The brown haired boy would be taken off of her and Ali's hands and she wasn't exactly sure if Alison would be okay with that.

  "His father?" She repeated dumbly and Toby nodded with a hint of sympathy in his eyes before walking back into the room. Soon enough, a largely built man with black hair waltzed through the door. He was rugged and looked like he could work for construction at what he was wearing. Heavy grey boots with dirty jeans and a dirty zipped up grey sweater.

  "Oh god Randy", He cried, immediately bringing the small boy into his arms. Emily studied Randy's face and he didn't seem too happy for someone who hasn't seen their father in a week.

  The man looked from his son up to Emily. He stood to his feet and nodded at her. "I'm Jim", He said, putting his hand out which Emily took.

  "Emily", She replied with a small smile.

  Jim rubbed the back of his neck as an awkward silence fell over the room. He then cleared his threat and said, "Well I appreciate you taking care of the kid while I was away."

  "Away? Where did you go?" Emily asked crossing her arms, feeling a hint of protectiveness over Randy.

  "I've been out", Jim answered causally before he seen the look on the brunette's face. He then crossed his arms, feeling defensive. "Working."

  Emily raised an eyebrow. "Working?"

  "Yes working. Trying to provide for the kid", Jim responded with a sternness to his voice.

  "So you've been gone all this time because you've been working?" Emily asked while talking with her hands. She then put a finger to her chin, "Doesn't sound right to me."

  Jim scoffed as he pushed Randy to stand behind him. "Why the hell do you care? And what are you? A detective? I've been working to put food on the table and clothes on this kid's back. I'm here now."

  "But you weren't before?" Emily asked rather than stated. Jim examined the woman before him before asking, "Are you calling me a bad father?"

  Emily couldn't believe the audacity of this man. Although she really did know nothing but what she heard, he just gave her this negative ora. "I wouldn't call you a father at all", She spat. "Hanna told me all about the way you tend to disappear and then show back up as if nothing happened."

  "You, your little blonde friend and whoever the hell else want to judge me, can shove it. You now nothing about me or the kid's situation", Jim angrily stated. "You've known Randy for what? A week or two?"

  "You don't even know how long it's been since you've been gone", Emily said in embarrassment for the man. Her eyes then shifted downward toward his sweater pocket where a silver flask poked out. That's when her subtle suspicion was confirmed. "You're a drunk."

  Jim stepped forward and shouted, "What the hell did you just call me?!"

  "Hey what's going on here?" Officer Martinez asked as he jogged toward the two. He looked at Emily and sighed. "You're still here?"

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