Ch.17- She What?

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"Coffee is in order", Emily smiled as she sat at in a booth at her favorite breakfast place.

Pam rolled her eyes. "You know how I feel about you drinking that stuff Emily."

Emily shrugged sarcastically. "No but please enlighten your daughter."

Pam ignored her as she looked around the slightly crowded room before sucking her teeth. "Where is Kenneth? Isn't he suppose to be meeting us here?"

"Mom relax. He's probably with Ali", Emily reassured her and she rolled her eyes before looking down at her menu. "Can you two at least keep it cordial please?"

"You know me sweetie. I'm always cordial", Pam scoffed and before they knew it, Kenneth walked in with a small frown. Emily sighed knowing how this morning would turn out. It was currently 7am and after Alison helped her plunge through her major hangover, they headed their separate ways for the day, agreeing on waiting to see each other until the wedding began.

"Good morning Emily", Kenneth greeted as he took a seat next to her and across from her mother in the booth. "Pam."

Pam nodded. "Hello Kenneth. Sleep well?"

"Like a baby. So what's on the menu today?" The man asked as he let out a small yawn.

"Breakfast", The older woman replied with pursed lips without looking up from her menu.

"Really? I didn't realize it was morning", Kenneth said sarcastically and Emily almost felt the need to pick up her fork and stab her eyes out. She didn't understand why the two weren't able to get along.

Suddenly the door jingled as Alison walked through. Emily furrowed her eyebrows as the blonde made her way to their table. She sat next to Pam and ignored all three sets of confused eyes which stared at her.

Emily cleared her throat. "Um...babe?"

"Yeah?" Alison asked, setting her menu down.

"What uh....what are you doing here?"

"Having breakfast", Alison laughed.

"Well we're technically not suppose to see each other until the wedding", Emily mentioned and Alison shrugged. "Fuck rules."


"Will you two give us a moment please?" The blonde interrupted while sending Emily a pointed look. The brown eyed girl stood up from her seat as did Kenneth to let her walk by.

The two fiancé's walked a few feet away from their parents to find a more secluded place to talk. Emily crossed her arms and waited.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Alison asked her with an amused tone.

"I'm waiting for you to explain what the hell you're doing here. This is bad luck", Emily exclaimed not feeling amused at all.

"No, this is someone else's bad luck", Alison replied. She hated all that superstition crap.

"Where are the girls?" Emily asked looking around, ready to kill all three of them. "They were suppose to make sure you got down to the venue."

"They tried but I managed to escape", Alison told her with no regret.

Emily sighed. "I'm still not seeing why."

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