Ch.12- Grab and Run

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   It was about 3:15am when Emily was finally allowed to see Alison. Hospitals were actually what the brunette had hoped to avoid in the rest of her time spent with Alison but she knew it'd be onto be a matter of time before something were to ruin that.

  She slowly walked to room 444 where Alison lie resting comfortably in the hospital bed. As soon as Emily stepped into the room, the blonde's eyelids fluttered open revealing searching blue eyes.

  "Em", She smiled.

  Emily pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed to take the blonde's hands in her own. "Hey. How are you feeling?"


"Well that's expected. Think you'll actually  make it to the wedding?" Emily laughed.

  Alison shot her a glare which failed only making her look like a wounded puppy in the process. "Maybe if I wasn't such a screw up, I actually would."

Emily rolled her eyes. "You're not a screw up. Bad things happen all the time babe and we can't really control when or where it happens. But I know that we are going to get married and we are going to have a happy ending."

"How can you be so sure?" Alison asked her with insecurity laced all throughout her voice. "How do you even know if you'll still want to be with me in 5 years?"

"Ali", Emily said through a breathy laugh. "I've wanted to be with you since I was 13 years old. I'm 24 now. What does that tell you?"

"I-I can't offer you...what you need. You know that. I just have bad luck when it comes to my relationships. Even friends. You saw how many times I almost lost the girls' trust. Again", Alison reminded and it hurt Emily to know that she still thought that way.

"You're human. You're going to make a hell of a lot of mistakes. But I'll be there to help", She promised before bringing her hand up to her lips to place a delicate kiss. "I know how many people have given up on you but I won't be one of them. I promise you that."

"Why do you have to be you?"

"Because you're you. And without you there's no me", Emily said and before anything else could be said, a doctor came barging it, slightly ruining the moment. "How are you feeling as of now Ms. Dilaurentis?"

"Just a bit sore", Alison told her, giving the same answer as before.

"Normal given circumstances."

"Is everything okay with the baby?" Alison asked what both she and Emily needed to know.

"The baby was completely unfazed which is great news", The short woman informed with a warm smile.

"Thank god", Emily whispered.

"But that shoulder of yours will need to rest for a few days. We're providing you with a cast. You'll need to wear it for just a couple of weeks and then it should start feeling a lot better."

"Thank you so much doctor", Emily said.

"Of course."

"Is there any news on my brother?" Alison asked. "Jason Dilaurentis?"

"As of now he's still in surgery. It'll probably go on all night so I wouldn't wait up. Go home, get some rest and we'll have an update in a few days."

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