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Michelle sighed as she closed the last of the spiral notebooks. “I had totally forgotten that you kept a journal about how…about Jord…I mean, about that summer.” She blushed at her awkwardness.

Steph laughed as she folded laundry. “Its okay, Michelle. You can say his name.”

Michelle carefully sat on the corner of the bed, trying not to knock over a pile of socks. “Steph, I just can’t believe you never called him and told him. All those months when you struggled alone…”

“And I just can’t believe we continue to have this conversation every other month!” Steph teased, hanging up what seemed like endless pairs of jeans.

Michelle didn’t smile. “What happens when the twins start asking why they don’t have a daddy like all their friends?”

Steph tried to play it cool. “For your information, they have started asking, and I told them that he’s very busy and doesn’t have time for us right now.”

Michelle raised an eyebrow.

“It’s not a complete lie!” Steph protested.

“I’m not going to argue with you about this.” Michelle stood. “My mom will be dropping Lexi off soon, so I’d better go.”

Steph walked her to the door. “Michelle, after those wonderful five months, I heard absolutely nothing from Jordan. Nothing. When I found out I was pregnant, I couldn’t just run to him. I wanted him to call because he wanted to, not because he felt obligated.” She looked around the apartment. “I haven’t done too badly for myself. You were lucky. You had Alex, even if it didn’t all work out.”

“Okay, okay.” Michelle threw her hands up in defeat.

“Besides, why didn’t you ever call Donnie or Joe?” Steph snapped coldly.

“That’s different. Donnie and I parted as friends. We knew nothing would come of that summer. Joe…well…we’re not going there.” She looked at her watch. “Gotta run. Forgive me?”

Steph smiled and hugged her. “Of course. Don’t forget. Monday night at seven.”

Michelle rolled her eyes and groaned. “I cannot believe you conned me into going to Pizza Hut for dinner!”

“Come on, you know you’ll love it. The twins did so well first and second marking period that I couldn’t say no. And they just love playing with Lexi!”

“Don’t use my daughter as your alibi!” Michelle warned. “You just want another adult along to keep you sane!”

Steph laughed. “Hell yes!” She glanced at the clock. “Oh, I better go, too. I have some charts I need to update.”

“It’s Saturday. Don’t you ever rest? Those big bad paramedics can do without their best emt for a few hours on a Saturday!”

“The more I get done today, the better chance I have of actually leaving the office on time on Monday.” She gently shoved Michelle out the door. “Now, quit nagging me and go pick up your kid!”

“Fine, fine. See you Monday.”

Steph shut the door behind her friend and hurried to change. Even though it was Saturday, she didn’t want to look like a total bum when she went into the office.

She threw on jeans and a UMass sweatshirt, and quickly pulled her hair into a ponytail. As she headed for the door, she once again checked the clock. 2:15. Her 22 year old niece, Jen, had taken the twins to lunch and a movie, and they wouldn’t be back until four or five.

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