Twenty Seven

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Steph woke around ten the next morning. Her face was tight against Jordan's soft chest, and his arms held her firmly. She slowly and carefully moved back to lay her head on a pillow. She looked at him for a long moment, then stretched. His eyes opened.

"Hi," she said whispered shyly. He said nothing, smiling he leaned to give her a soft kiss.

"Good morning, Beautiful," he finally said. She stared into his clear chocolate brown  eyes for a long moment. He reached up and brushed some hair from her cheek. The tenderness of the action touched her, and tears leapt to her eyes. "What? What is it?" He worried that she was regretting the night before. She smiled through her tears.

"It's so much better than it was all those years ago. It feels like a dream you're so kind, so sweet..."

"I wasn't all that sweet last night," he remembered, blushing. She smiled and moved closer.

"I don't remember complaining."

He didn't smile back. "I didn't want it to be like that. I wanted it to be romantic and sweet and..."

She silenced him with a kiss. "Jordan, rarely does something like that work out when you work so hard planning it," she said, remembering her first time with him. "But last night was absolutely incredible. I've never felt anything like it. We have all the time in the world to be sweet and romantic."

"It was really that incredible for you?" She nodded. "Good, because that's how it was for me, too."

They lay silently in each other's arms for a while, occasionally kissing. Jordan gasped suddenly.


He slowly sat up. "It's way too late to worry about it, but, we, um, didn't...we didn't use anything."

"I didn't bring anything anyway," she told him.

"I figured that, but I do have some, right over there in that bag."

"Oh, so you were planning on seducing me," she teased.

"No, I was hoping to make love to you," he corrected. "I should have stopped."

"Oh, well," she said, totally unconcerned.

"You're not upset?" Jordan  murmured surprised.

"Hell, no. I trust that you're clean, and I know I am."

"But what if..."

"What if, Jordan? If that's what's in the cards for us, then in nine months I'll have another baby with big beautiful brown eyes. Just like his or her daddy"

"And this time you'll have someone to help and take care of you, I will not allow history repeating itself like that again" he told her. Giving her a big hug, he got out of bed. "You stay here. I'm gonna make us breakfast." He kissed her forehead and left the room.

Steph stretched and looked around the room. She saw Jordan's cellphone, and decided to call Michelle. "This is Michelle. How may I help you?"

"Oh, please. Like YOU could help anyone."

"Shut up!" Michelle chided said, laughing. "What are you up to?"

"Still laying around in bed. Jordan's down making us breakfast."

"You've just had the best sex in your life, haven't you?" Michelle asked slyly.

'What makes you say that?" Steph exclaimed, sitting straight up in bed.

"I can hear it in your voice. "Jordan's down making us breakfast" were your words, but your voice said that he's been making more than just breakfast."

"MICHELLE!" Steph shrieked, blushing furiously despite the fact that no one could see her anyway

"Am I right?" Michelle persisted. Steph was giggling too hard to answer. "I thought so. Well, I won't ask if he was any good, because I really don't want to know. As long as he's not as much of a self-absorbed prick as he was a decade ago

"Not anymore." Steph told her finally composed herself. "Michelle, I think I'm falling in love with him all over again. He is so thoughtful and generous, and totally unselfish. Why didn't I notice all this when we were here nine years ago?"

"Because back then Jordan wasn't a man.He was just a sexy egotistical boy, He wasn't like he is now. Now he has grown up to be a nice, responsible, sexy hunk of a man."

Steph laughed at her friend's logic. "I don't know why I was so stupid, but now I am so happy!"

" deserve it."

They said goodbye and Steph began to doze off. She awoke when Jordan walked into the room carrying a tray. "Damn, Jordan!" She said, staring at the tray. There were two plates of eggs and toast, as well as one bowl of oatmeal, a bagel, and a few individual boxes of cereal, two kinds of juice, milk, and coffee.

"I wasn't sure what all you liked, and I was hungry!" He handed her the tray and climbed into bed next to her. He turned the TV on to VH-1.

She gave him her eggs, took a glass of apple juice, and started on the oatmeal. "I would been happy with a chocolate pop tart!" She told him.

"Don't think this is gonna be an everyday thing. It's just for this one special morning." He leaned over and gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek. She grabbed the remote and changed it to ID. "What's wrong with VH-1?"

"Nothing. Wives with Knives is on. I never get to watch it."He gave her a confused look, shrugged rolled his eyes and took a drink of his juice He soon was commenting about the cases, yelling at them. "That's ridiculous!" He exclaimed. "There is no way that she's not guilty Are you blind."

She climbed out of bed. "I'm gonna take a shower. What are we doing today?"

"I thought we'd just stroll around the shopping area," Jordan suggested.

"Sounds good to me."Steph bounced out of the room and down the stairs. She decided on a burgundy t-shirt and black bib overalls, then started to hum as she turned the water on. Yes, she had had incredible sex the night before, but she just felt relaxed and happy.

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