Twenty Eight

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“Nothing. Wives with Knives is on. I never get to watch it.”He gave her a confused look, shrugged rolled his eyes and took a drink of his juice He soon was commenting about the cases, yelling at them. “That’s ridiculous!” He exclaimed. “There is no way that she’s not guilty Are you blind.”
She climbed out of bed. “I’m gonna take a shower. What are we doing today?”

“I thought we’d just stroll around the shopping area,” Jordan suggested.

“Sounds good to me.”Steph bounced out of the room and down the stairs. She decided on a burgundy t-shirt and black bib overalls, then started to hum as she turned the water on. Yes, she had had incredible sex the night before, but she just felt relaxed and happy.

She climbed into the huge shower stall. “First lonely night …..What will I do…..I feel my heart breaking in two
I'm such a fool……” she sang as she shampooed her hair.

“I can’t even get away from myself in the shower!” A voice behind her exclaimed. Steph screamed and dropped the shampoo.

“Jordan! You scared the hell out of me!”

“I missed you,” he pouted, wrapping his arms around her waist I hope those lyrics don’t reflect how you feel he murmured. 
I did once she admitted 
But not anymore? He questioned 

“Jordan, if you don’t leave me alone, we’ll never get out of here!” Steph gasped, laughing as she tried to squirm out of his arms.

“Is that so bad?” Jordan asked, nibbling on her ear.

“Jordan Knight, when did you become such a pervert?” She exclaimed.

“The first time I saw you.” He turned her around to gaze into her hazel eyes. “I knew I wanted to be everything to you…to do everything to you.” He looked at her with such love in his eyes that her legs quivered. He tenderly kissed her. “I’ll leave you alone now.” He stepped out of the shower and left the bathroom.

They drove to the downtown shopping district. They walked through the area where people re-enacted the Revolutionary War era, and remembered the first time they had been there.

"You guys looked so hot in those tight knee pant things," Steph told him laughing.

"I still can't believe you and Michelle talked us into dressing up in those clothes!" Jordan commented, putting an arm around her. "If I remember correctly, your dress was a little…revealing, wasn't it?"

She blushed, remembering how that dress had caused three local men to pounce on her and Michelle, and how a fistfight had ensued. "I still have that dress somewhere, I think. I couldn't fit into it NOW, of course."

"Oh, please!" Jordan cried in disbelief. They walked through the quaint little shops, buying souvenirs for the twins and Michelle. "Let's go for a ride," Jordan suggested, pointing to the carriages for rent.
Steph pulled back, remembering the first carriage ride with Jordan all those years ago. Dammit! She yelled at herself. You're not with the old Jordan now…you're with the new Jordan, who loves you and treats you like a queen.

Jordan looked at her closely. "Are you okay? We don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, J, It's fine. Let's go."

Jordan paid the driver and helped her up into the carriage. As they clip-clopped down the cobblestone street, he turned to face her. He smiled but his eyes were serious. "I need to talk to you about something."

"O….kay," she said, her heart sinking. She had known all along that it had been too wonderful to last.

"I love you very much, Stephanie, and I want to be with you forever." He played with her left ring finger. "However,
I do know that it is too soon to talk about anything like that." He looked into her eyes. "I just hope you realize that I'm gonna be touring and traveling all over the country. Maybe even overseas. It won't be easy. But I don't want you to think for one second that I'm gonna go on the road and forget about you." He sighed. "I know that being here has

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