Chapter 10

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Cameron pulled me in close and we started dancing. It was nothing like it was with Nash. Cameron had his hands all over me and kept grabbing my ass (not that I minded).

He eventually grabbed my hand and led me outside where we were relatively alone. He kept playing with my fingers which made my heart Nash a beat. “Violet… you look so sexy tonight.” He pulled me over to a bench and sat down, pulling me onto his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair. “You seem so much different than I remember…”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I asked trying to keep my breathing under control.

He smiled and kissed my neck, “Oh, it’s a very good thing.” I thought I had died and went to heaven right then and there. “So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime.”

“Like a date?” I squeaked out. 

He laughed, “Yeah, like a date.” I looked into his green eyes and I felt like I was drooling.

“Yes, I would love to!” I was beaming with happiness.

It looked like he was about to lean in and give me a kiss, but his phone went off running the moment. When he reached into his pocket to grab it, it caused me to slip off his lap into the seat next to him.

Cameron looked at me apologetically, “Hey, look I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you ok?” I nodded. And like that he was gone.

I sat on the bench remembering everything that had just happened. I felt like Cinderella in that at any moment the clock would strike 12 and all the magic would fade and I would have to return to my life.

I got up and went back into the house looking for Nash, I hadn’t seen him in a while and I wanted to tell him the good news.

Instead I wound up running into Maci. Like literally ran into her.

“Watch it. Oh, hey Violet.” She said. Her tone wasn’t exactly friendly.

“Maci, I’m so sorry for what I said earlier.” I needed my best friend back, who else was going to freak out with me over the fact that Cameron fucking Dallas just asked me out?

“Did you go through the whole ‘fake relationship’ with Nash?” She asked bitterly.

I nodded smiling, “And it worked to! Cameron just asked me out!”

Maci looked at me with pity, “You’re so fucking blind.” She shook her head and walked away.

I grabbed her arm pissed, “You’re just jealous because Cameron actually wants me.”

“Yeah, wants to use you!” Her voice rising, “You can be so ignorant sometimes, Violet.” Then she stormed off into the crowd.

How could she treat me like this? She was supposed to be HAPPY for me!

I saw a bottle of vodka next to me and grabbed it, before I knew it the bottle was empty and I was wasted.

The only thing I could focus on was trying to find Nash; I just really wanted to go home. Maci had gone and fucking ruined the best night of my life.

I had to take my heels off because they became too hard to walk in.

After stumbling around for a while I managed to find Nash. “NASH!” I drunkenly slurred.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and nearly collapsed, he had to hold me up. “V, you’re wasted…”

I giggled, “No I’m not! I’m just a little tipsy!”

“Did Cameron do this to you?”  Nash asked seriously.

My jaw dropped, “No! He left a while ago, but he asked me out! Can you believe it? The plan worked!”

Nash just nodded. “So why are you so drunk then?”

“Maci…” I said bitterly, “She’s just jealous.” I knew that didn’t really make much sense, but I didn’t care.

Nash picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the house. It was pretty cold outside, so I snuggled into his neck trying to get warm.

Nash set my down in the passenger seat and drove home.

When he got there he had to pick me up and carry me again because I couldn’t walk.

He laid me down on my bed and gently pushed the hair out of my face. I looked up at him with his dark hair and piercing blue eyes, and I had to admit he was pretty hot.

“Well, if you think I’m hot, then you’re drunker than I thought.” He said laughing. Oh god. I had said it out loud.  

I suddenly felt very nauseous. I didn’t know if it was from embarrassment, or simply the fact that I was drunk.

I ran into the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. Nash came in after and held my hair out of the way. He rubbed my back making me feel about a million times better. “Thanks” I whispered.

Nash helped me up and back into my room, “Turn around while I change.” He rolled his eyes, but kindly looked the other way.

“FUCK.” I muttered because the zipper to my dress was stuck.

“Here” Nash said as he walked over and helped me.

“Thanks. Now seriously, look the other way.”

He eyed me, “Why? Are you wearing that lacy black thong?” My face instantly got about 20 shades redder. Nash started cracking up, but he did turn around.

I kept my eyes on his back while I quickly changed. I climbed into bed and said, “Kay, it’s safe.”

Nash turned around and came over and sat down on the edge of my bed. He kissed me on the forehead and said, “Sweet dreams, beautiful.” Then he climbed out my window. 

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