Chapter 12

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I woke up the next day to something being thrown at my face. I opened one eye to see Nash throwing paper clips at me. “V! GET UP! It’s like 3 and we have to finish our project!”

I groaned and rolled over, snuggling deeper into my warm bed. Nash started pulling my sheets off. “Ugh. I hate you.” I moaned. I was hung over, AGAIN.  My date with Cameron had been interesting. It consisted of us getting drunk. That was about it.

“I hate you too, but we’ve got to finish this project.” He said. I was shivering now that I didn’t have any blankets over me.

“Since when do you care about school work?” I asked.

“Since I don’t want you to fail.”

“That’s really sweet, but I think I’ll just fail if it means I can go back to sleep”. I stuck my pillow over my head trying to go back to sleep.

He grabbed my ankles and started pulling me off my bed. I started kicking and we wound up in a tangled mess on the ground. Nash laughed.

“Not so loud,” I moaned. I laid my head on his chest, “10 more minutes?”

“Nope!” he grabbed me and pulled me up with him.

“FINE.” I grunted. “Hand me my glasses, I can’t see.”

He grabbed them off of my nightstand and handed them to me. “Now, don’t laugh.” I said before putting them on. Once I could see his face clearly, I saw that he wasn’t laughing.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Those glasses are actually pretty sexy.” Him calling me sexy had a very different effect on me than it did when Cameron said it. It actually made me feel sexy.

Then we got to work and pretended like nothing happened.


Monday morning rolled around and I swear I was still hung over.

Everyone as school seemed to be getting on my nerve. Their breathing was just pissing me off. I had to wear my glasses because my eyes were all bloodshot and my contacts hurt them. However, after what Nash said I wasn’t embarrassed to be wearing them.

I was walking to my first class when Cameron came out of nowhere and grabbed my hand. “Hey, Violet!” He poked me on the nose, “Your glasses are cute!” and suddenly I felt like a complete idiot for wearing them. I didn’t want to be ‘cute’.

He kept playing with my fingers the way he did the other night at the party, but for some reason this morning it was really pissing my off.

“Hey! Nash!” Cameron shouted suddenly taking his eyes off me. Nash walked over to us, and seemed to be looking everywhere BUT where Cameron’s and I’s hands were intertwined.

“Cameron. V.” Nash nodded at us.

I removed my hand from Cameron’s suddenly embarrassed for some reason. “Alright, well I better get to class,” I hurried off before either of them could reply.

Cameron was turning out to be a different guy than I thought he was. Not that he was bad or anything, but he wasn’t the Cameron from my daydreams…

Even more strangely, Nash was turning out to be that guy. 

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